
Personal Statement: A Career In Radiology

Satisfactory Essays

Lisseth Naranjo April 30th, 2018
Why I Wish To pursue A Career In Radiology
At a young age, I always looked up into working at a hospital. In school, through time I discovered that I was very interested in my science subjects. I remember learning in biology the human anatomy and I was so fascinated to learn about how the organs worked. From then on I was motivated to find a career within the medical field. I researched most medical careers and ultimately found radiology a very interesting subject. Mostly because you get the best of both worlds, patient interaction and technology engagement. I consider myself as someone that’s very caring and passionate to help others. Often times, people don't realize that even the smallest actions have such a great impact on people’s lives. Each individual plays a role in this world and in the end, they choose how to be part of it. I choose to be here for people and be part of a puzzle that they rely in order to achieve better well being. …show more content…

Radiology allows people to apply their medical skills through the use of imperative equipment. Nowadays, technology is very advanced and it has been so helpful in the medical field. For example, through the use of x-rays, MRIS, and CAT scans, medical workers are able to have an image of organs that need to be examined without any surgeries. The first time I ever had a CAT scan was when I had a car accident, and I was amazed by the how fast I received my results when they checked for any head traumas. This unfortunate event only pushed me into exploring a career in

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