Ever since I was little I knew I wanted to work in the medical field because I’ve always wanted to help people somehow. As I grew older I knew I wanted to be in touch with my patients and spend time with them and help them understand the best ways to take care of themselves, which is why I’ve decided to become a nurse. I actually have to thank NYU for helping me figure out what I want to become as one of the main reasons I started thinking about being a nurse is because I attended an NYU Nursing Seminar and I just loved it, I felt like the nurses that were there greatly described their work and I realized that was exactly what I wanted to do. Another reason for why I want to attend NYU is because I was able to spend time on campus while attending
One of the health professions I chose was a school nurse. What interests me about this career is how school nurse are very trustworthy and how they're able to communicate easily with student. Me, personally, I feel like I can tell them me issues and they wouldn’t be non-judgmental towards me. The school nurse provides direct care to students, provide care for injuries and acute illness for all students and long-term management of students with special health care needs. School Nurses also educate students on health care and growth development.
My lifetime goal is to become a Registered Nurse since I was 18 years old, but, unfortunately I did not have the opportunity to go college, but to go to a technical school and get a medical assistant degree. Since then, I worked in many different doctors’ office in Florida as a Medical Assistant until 2 years ago when I met my husband and moved to Maryland. Luckily, with my husband's support, I have been having the opportunity to go back to school and continue my education.
I was born january 12, 1998 in the city of Mexico. My parent decided to come to the US to give me and my brothers a better life and to have the opportunity of a better education. The education my parents were not able to have because they had to drop out of school at a very young age to work. My parent have always told me that education is the most valuable thing in life a person could have. My father is a construction worker he always comes home exhausted and he tell me to study hard so that i won't have to work in really difficult job with a low pay.
I cannot attribute my desire of becoming a nurse to following the footsteps of a family member, nor caring for a sick family member as I was growing up. I am a first generation high school student, furthermore, a college graduate. I became a mother at the very young age of sixteen. Being so young and growing up without the care of my parents, it was always said I, too, would end up in a rough situation and not be able to care for my child being so young myself. I continued out my days and nights being a high school teen mom. I graduated from high school in three years by attending night school while I was pregnant; allowing me to finish school sooner and obtain a better job that would allow me to take care of my son.
My grandpa was always in and out of hospitals when I was younger. He would always talk about how nice the nurses were, and how much they had done for him to make his stay in hospitals actually be somewhat pleasant. They got anything he needed and did their best to make the family comfortable as well. I knew I wanted to help people in my future career, and my experience helping my grandfather furthered my passion for wanting to become a nurse. I thought taking a CNA class my senior year would give me a head start in the nursing career, but instead, it made me have doubts about becoming a nurse.
I want to be a nurse because I want to help people that are hurt sick or could die. I also want to be a nurse because it seems like a good job and not for the money either my mom was a nurse and i want to be like her because she is a good person and I respect her and I also would like to be a nurse because I could help lots of people and I could meet new people everyday.
In the sixth grade I recall being in the hospital and having an immense curiosity for my surroundings. Every aspect from the various noises emitting from the medical machines around me to the hardworking staff caught my attention. The nurse helping my family that day gave me valuable advice and answered all my questions regarding what it was like working in a hospital. At that moment, my interest was sparked and I knew I wanted to study medicine. Throughout high school, I began to narrow down that idea and came to the conclusion that I wanted to become a nurse.
The feeling you get when you have helped someone is one that cannot be matched. It makes you feel as though you were placed here for a reason. I have luckily felt like this a number of times, each one just as important as the next. Growing up with old grandparents forced me to act as a caregiver for them at around the age of fifteen. I had to sort through medications, prepare meals, change bandages for wounds, and keep an eye on them when I was around.
I am at my best when I believe in myself. I will try to prevent times when I don't think I am capable of doing something. I will enjoy my work by finding employment where I can help make others days better. I will find enjoyment in my personal life through spending time with family and friends. I will find opportunities to use my strengths of responsibility, strategic, input, relator, and belief.
People always me ask this one question, “Why do I want to become a nurse?” Well, the significant reason that made me want to be a nurse is to help patients’ health issues and to nurse them with great care. There are some patients that could barely do anything and have fallen into despair, that’s why I am willing to help these patients while they are gradually recovering. Particularly, it all started when I began volunteering at the Memorial Hermann Hospital, I wanted to get a hands-on experience on what it’s like to assist the patient needs.
Being a nurse has been my dream as long as I can remember. Since I was young I have always spent a lot of time in the hospital with my dad, due to his kidney disease. I would sit by his bed watching the nurses taking care of him, it was then that I knew that I wanted to spend my life taking care of others. After that time in the hospital with my dad we found out that my younger sister has fetal alcohol syndrome. Because of this, I saw even more the importance of helping others and providing care for those who are vulnerable.
As a child, I used to dream to help people because back in my country I saw many sick children’s who they live in the streets and didn’t have a place to stay when I saw that I decide to become a nurse because the career of nursing they paid well and I could afford to travel to difference places . On top of that I was always fascinated by the amount the respect and power they get from helping people and kids. But one of the most important reason to become a nurse was my mom, she died in a battle with cancer. lastly, I know by becoming a nurse, I will get stressed, but it doesn’t matter because I took a class with professor mike in psychology and I learned how to master stress and how to apply the technique’s in order to relieve stress but I also learned stress is good for a person because it’s part of being human.
Nursing is meant to help people; that’s what I want to do. I want to care for ill patients. Nursing is very useful for the community and without it, people would be more sick and there would also be many more deaths everyday. Nurses should be compassionate, caring, and intelligent. Nurses have many responsibilities, and have a lot of extra schooling to go through after high school.
My volunteer experience, at the hospital, gave me the initial inspiration to become a nurse. In addition to my scientific interests, I’ve always been drawn to care for and motivate others. During my volunteering work in Tashkent hospital, I realised how much I enjoy socialising with people, caring for them and making a positive impact in their lives. My roles included talking patients, running errands for nursing staff and observing clinical care. Assisting the staff in many procedures and reassuring the patients made this volunteer experience my most satisfying yet.
A nurse is a person that is trained to advocate health, prevent illness, and care for ill or disabled person. My desire to become a nurse started at a young age and from then on my desire to be a nurse has only grown. I grew up around the healthcare field most of my life because my grandmother and mother were both nurses. In 2011, my father was diagnosed with cancer. I went to the hospital every day to see him. When my father passed away it inspired me to be a nurse even more. I want to help people so they won’t have to go through what my father went through or so children won’t have to feel how I felt. When I think of a nurse I think of a leader. A leader inspires other to dream more, learn more, do more and become more. When I found out