
Personal Space Violation Essay

Decent Essays

Curious about the concept the effects of personal space on urinations, experimenters decided to run an experiment. They hid in the toilet stalls located in men restrooms and observed the time it took for a man to urinate. They especially wanted to find if the time it took for someone to urinate if they were by themselves different than if they were surround by others in the urinals next to them. The experimenters also observed a man’s behavior inside of a restroom. There were a few problems with this however. The researchers never made contact with the men they were observing, which doesn’t seem like a problem but it’s really a big one. The men were never told they were a part of an experiment. This whole experiment violated the APA guidelines …show more content…

In order for an experiment to be considered legal they must follow these guidelines. There are specifically five highlighted for doing research on a human. The first one is you must inform consent and voluntary participation. This mean the psychologist must inform all participants about the experiment and allow them to withdraw from the experiment if they wish. The second one is if a student is required to participate in a research experiment or have the opportunity for extra credit they must be given an alternative if they do not wish to be part of it. The third one is the use of deception. Deceptive techniques are allowed only when it is not feasible to use alternatives that do not involve deception, and the potential findings justify the use of deception. The forth guideline is confidentiality of information. This means psychologists cannot discussed the participant’s personal information or any other information the participants don’t want no one to know. And the last one is the information about the study and debriefing. Every participant should receive results and any other information about the experiment once it is finished. Now it time to see why this experiment doesn’t follow these

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