
Personal Space Research Paper

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Does How we Perceive Personal Space Determine the Likelihood to Commit Violent Crimes? Personal Space, the imagery region immediately surrounding our body, acts as our safety zone. It is suggested this space is enlarged in violent offenders, and these offenders have an enhanced sensitivity in the reduction of interpersonal distance. There is an ongoing debate about whether our behavior is influenced more by nature or nurture. According to the nature side of the debate you are born the way you are, and on the contrary the nurture side of the debate states that your environment shapes who you are as a person despite you genetics. If it is nurture, then how are the results of violent offenders in this study having enlarged senses of personal spaces explained? Researchers at the University of Graz in Austria investigated 17 male violent offenders from a maximum security prison located in Graz, Austria and 18 male non-delinquent controls with comparable mean age. The violent offenses included death or bodily harm of another human; sexual offenses excluded one from the sample. All participants were free of mental disorders with the exception of antisocial personality disorder. Prior to beginning the fMRI study participants answered the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) in …show more content…

Insular functions correlate to potential threat and harm detection in personal space. This is in line with the findings from the PCL-R Factor 2 whereas factor 1 showed no association. It appears likely offenders viewed approaches by men as hostile when they had obtained high scores on PCL-R Factor 2. Factor 2 is associated with reactive anger, criminality, and impulsive violence, thus it makes sense that when the men obtained higher scores on Factor 2 that they perceived the men moving towards them as hostile and were more likely to have a larger perceived area of personal

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