
Personal Social Worker

Decent Essays

Social workers play an important role for overall well-being of society. Their job is the provide support for people who are in need of support. People who may seek the help of social services include unemployed people, the elderly, the sick, and kids whose welfare may be threatened ("Social Work: The Personal Social Services."). They help identify the goals their clients are looking to achieve and help them find ways to accomplish them. Social workers with a primary focus childcare, are there in order to ensure that the children in society are protected and are in safe homes. They respond to emergency situations that can include, but are not limited to when children are abused and when someone’s mental wellbeing is at risk. Social workers …show more content…

Being able to problem-solve is essential to becoming a social worker. It is important for them to be able to help the solutions to the issues the problem-seekers need help with. Another quality social workers must have is good communication skills. They have to be able to listen to their clients vent about their issues, be able to interpret the problem, and be there for their client. This also intertwines with the importance of being empathetic. Because the people they consult are dealing with tough times, it is necessary for social workers to act as a support system for their clientele. In order to be able to perform at a level that provides satisfactory results, social worker must have organized job performance as well as be efficient. These traits are needed because social workers have to work on multiple cases at any particular, time so being able to effectively manage time and remain organized is essential ("Social …show more content…

I’ve only ever known that they take children away from abusive families and not any of the other services that they can provide for families. I have learned many things about the social work profession by doing this research paper. First, I was unaware that they can play the role of a support system for those who are struggling. Also, I didn’t know that there are different types of social workers such as family, school, health care, and clinical social workers. I think I wouldn’t necessarily be the best fit canindate for this occupation because I feel as though I lack some of the important qualities need to become a social worker. I don’t think I could be sympathetic enough to clients if I became a social worker. In addition to that, this occupation wouldn’t be a good fit for me because I don’t think it’s worth it to have a job where over half of the people in its field believe they don’t have flexible schedule. This along with a low salary is the reason why I wouldn’t be content with working in this

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