
Personal Reflection Essay

Decent Essays

I was unknowingly drawn to healthcare operations at a young age… My father, a small town pharmacist, and my mother, a child behavioral psychologist, each had a fundamental empathy and compassion for aiding others. Through them I witnessed, and became inspired, by the ever complicated relationship dynamics of total patient care. I realized my father didn’t just fill prescriptions as the local “Walmart Pharmacist” and my mother didn’t just convene and listen to individual’s dialogue about their personal issues. Instead, the interactions they both faced with each of their respective patients carried a multiplex of red tape, claim denials, write offs, prolonged consults, bureaucracy, and confusing medical terminology from beginning to end. Yet, somehow they both managed to offer the care, sympathy, and willingness to assist anyone and everyone who required it within our small community. Patients, or clients if you prefer, tend to build a trust and lifelong respect for healthcare personnel who genuinely advocate for their best interests. Therefore, this is the reason why I have shifted my dedication from clinical focuses. I am convinced by working to formulate a proficient healthcare administration that encompasses the delivery of dynamic patient care, excellence in health services, well planned organizational relationships, and progressive operational abilities, we can achieve the goals to deliver the highest paramount care to our patients. Having not yet realized the full

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