
Personal Narrative: Who Are You

Decent Essays

Who Are You - Three

Who are you that approached me from behind, returning from the store that night ?
An ugly thought I was having, and you were the result that caused all of my fright
You never spoke a word, but I saw a tall shadowy figure appear over my shoulder
You were very tall and thin, and gave me the feeling you were something much older

I was an angry teen that was upset with his mother, over having to go to the store
Teens have a way of magnifying events, that turns them into ill feelings or even more
My thought that night was reckless and I didn’t think anyone was listening at all
I could’ve been more angry, but not more wrong, so you answered an unintended call

A challenge that left my lips just above a whisper, as I walked home still searing
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I didn’t tell her about you, because I wanted to keep some of my shaken pride
A tough teen knows where to go when things get really confusing, it’s at mother’s side
I guess some would say that she gave me comfort, I say it was a place to hide

Occasionally teens can have a hard head, and nothing ever seems to get through
Most teens or adults would have a mind like a sponge after fearfully having met you
I didn’t know much as a teen, but I knew that I wanted you gone from my view
It took a little time, but I eventually learned that if trouble is around, then you are too

You have never made your presence as clear as you made it to me that night
Mother is no longer with me, so I had to learn to stand against you, and fight
Sadly you have made your presence known, but never again by appearing to me
Situations make it clear that you are still trying to influence choices that are free

If nothing else in life, to this I can bear witness, and say that you are very real
Because of our encounter, if things get tough I may beg or borrow, but never steal
We may pass from time to time on this road of life until I reach my road’s end
The time that I have traveled this road, you were always there, but never a

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