
Personal Narrative: What I Learned In My Summer

Decent Essays

There were many things I enjoyed about my summer. I learned some valuable lessons and had a lot of fun. This was my last official summer before I become an adult; next summer will be filled with college preparations so I had to have fun while i still had the chance. Over my break I worked, I spent time with friends, and I also started driving. The first of many things I enjoyed over my summer was the fact that I was working. Making my own money feel felt very rewarding and made me feel accomplished. I felt like a true adult. While working I learned more responsibility and how to handle myself in hectic situations. I gained confidence and now know the reward of working hard.I will definitely use what I learned during the school year. During my summer break I also got to spend time with my friends in between working. It is always nice to spend time with people who genuinely like you and care about you. My friends and I enjoyed lots of fun activities. I went on many trips to Six Flags, swimming, and to the movies with them. Not only …show more content…

Driving is very liberating but also annoying at the same time. At first it felt like I could go anywhere and do anything; But then realization of gas, mileage on the car, and my nine o'clock curfew set in. Having to pay for my own gas and do the work on the car myself was hard and kind of annoying. Other drivers are also incredibly annoying. I think my biggest pet peeve is when people drive ten miles under the speed limit. All I want is for people to go the correct speed, I don't think that is so hard to ask. I also learned that driving home from work at 10:30 at night after a 13 hour double is not something I would call "fun". I honestly do not enjoy driving that much, but the fact that I no longer have to rely on other people to take me places is amazing. Before, I always felt so needy, but now I feel very independent, which is the best

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