
Personal Narrative-V2

Decent Essays

V v2
When my eyes roll open it immediately surges through my being. The insatiable desire to get more of V. My body groans, feelings as though it was thrashed by wild animals. My mind fighting to function it feels like it’s just moving through molasses. I feel like I had my heart broken thousands of times over. I go onto procure my day’s first taste of V. I get the first taste of it very early in my morning the mere taste allows my body to untighten. My mind feels a great clarity surge through it. My heart set back at ease. These feelings though, amazing, are short lived as V clears from my system.
As work comes the crash follows it close behind. I work and struggle to stay in focus. My mind twisting for the feeling that V gives me. During this point I start sending the messages, just trying to line up my fix for later. I employee any tactics I can to get some I beg, I plead, and make deals just so I can feel Vs’ sweet release. After hours of not working …show more content…

My hands tremble as I get into the car and race off. I weave through traffic going faster and faster. My mind is only able to think of getting my hands on the synthetic ecstasy. As I come home I rush to start my fix letting it take me away. My mind elates, and dances as it’s completely clear. My body rushes with pleasure as the V moves through my veins. My heart feels as light as a feather as the V touches it.
The high is so strong I feel it my core, my soul even. Then it starts to leave I feel the feeling slip from my no matter how hard I grasp for it. My mind gets muddled as the V leaves my system. My body tenses as my veins deplete and push the V out. Soon the drop comes after every great high. I feel an unrelenting feeling of shame about letting something control me. I stare at my celling arms lying limply around me. The only thought in my mind is why did it leave, and why do I let this happen every single

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