
Personal Narrative: Type One Diabetes

Decent Essays

Around the end of January I began to feel ill. I was becoming weaker, I couldn’t even stand in the shower by myself. I lost around 10 pounds too. In the beginning of February, I went to the doctor with my mom. The doctor said we shouldn’t worry about it and it was probably just the flu. She also took a couple blood tests just in case it was something else. My mom took me to work with her, because she didn’t want to leave me alone at home. Later on that day, the doctor called my mom and told her to bring me into the hospital as soon as possible. At the time I had no idea what diabetes was. I was only 8 years old. It was February 9, 2007, and I was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes. I ended up staying in the hospital for that whole week, and stayed …show more content…

Instead of just eating when I wanted, I had to poke my finger and then get a shot. Now, instead of shots every time I eat, I only needs shots every three days. I think that diabetes has changed me in many ways. It definitely made me a stronger person. I joined groups on Facebook with other diabetics, and even joined a support group in a local town. Being with other people who were like me, made me feel like I was the same after that. Being Type 1 Diabetic has made me a stronger, more independent, and more confident person overall. Having to deal with all of the highs and lows of diabetes has shown me that sometimes I need to work hard to receive good results. Every three months I get a blood test of my average blood sugar for the last three months. That number helps keep me in line, and I need to put all of my effort into improving my health. One key thing that effects blood sugars is stress. That has had a big impact on my life, because I don’t chose when I’m stressed, I just am. That makes me realize that I can’t control everything in my life, but I need to do my best that I can

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