
Personal Narrative: The Water At Lake Nawsomento

Satisfactory Essays

It was a hot summer day, I was in the water at Lake Nawsomento. The water was brisk and refreshing it was a great mix of hot and cold because the air was hotter than a sauna and the water was as chill as and ice cube. The mountains that surrounded me seemed almost like paintings rather than real mountains. I was just about to try my first time skiing ever, my teacher was also in the water with me giving me correct technique and strategy. He telling me to keep the rope in between the two skis. Here I go, I tell the driver to “hit it” and I am off I try to get up on the skis but as soon as I almost get up I take a nosedive into the cold blue water. I try again but I just fall on my face again. I am getting frustrated, annoyance also starts to

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