
Personal Narrative-The London Gymnastics Academy

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My world From the first moment I stepped into the dimly lit gym filled with the sour sent of sweat as my curious feet hit the soft blue floor, I knew that this was where I belonged. There were gymnast frantically flipping left and right peacefully in total chaos and I couldn't wait to join them. My world began in the same place I spent countless hours a week ever since I was four, London Gymnastics Academy. I had a passion for defying gravity and taking ruthless risks alongside my teammates who shared the same insane passion as I did. I can still recall the day my dad snuck me out of the house like a refugee to go to gymnastics tryouts; the air was packed with tension from every girl desperately wanting what it takes to succeed at this crazy sport. I was one of the most ecstatic little girls when I heard I made the cut with a grin on my face that stretched from ear to ear. Since the …show more content…

Constantly being criticized and picked on by gnarled and wicked coaches who only accepted perfection. Trying my best to finish routines while tears welled up in my eyes impairing my vision like raindrops on the windshield. Running faster than a bullet to the bathroom stalls, the only place I could be concealed from the coaches to cry so they wouldn't mistake my pain and frustration for being both mentally and physically fragile. Every day I had to thrust through the hard times trying my hardest not to give up. The boulders on my back soon shrunk down to pebbles and I felt as free as a bird. Hours upon hours I spent pushing my body to its maximum. Sprinting down the vault runway as my surroundings became a blur; my feet slammed the cushion floor accelerating with every stride I took. Swinging back and forth on wooden bars covered with white chalk causing skin the size of quarters to rip off my hands. Mounting a four foot tall beam which was rougher

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