
Personal Narrative: The Lasting Memory Of My Prep

Decent Essays

The darkness of night had veiled the city. Dull beams of the streetlights shone through the moist car windows.
Deafening silence.
The festering disappointment and anger emanating from the front seat was palpable. My parents glared ahead, as I crumpled in the backseat. The gleam of suppressed tears in my eyes.
Haunted by the spectre of failure, this moment would be the lasting memory of my Prep for Prep experience. Not the accomplishment, the eventual graduation, or friends I made. I remember my encounter with crushing defeat, overwhelmed by an unfamiliar feeling of self doubt. Prep for Prep is an organization that dedicates itself to identifying the most academically gifted students of color within New York City, approximately 6,000 candidates each year. Assessing their academic capabilities through further individual testing and interviews, concluding their process with about 125 students accepted into their program. Once in the program, the students must contend with a rigorous 14-month course of study, supplemented to their regular school work, with the goal of preparing and eventually being …show more content…

Not solely for the distinction of being a Prep for Prep graduate, or the awards I earned, but for the resilience I discovered in myself. Having encountered few struggles or obstacles prior, I wasn’t familiar with the experience of questioning my own abilities or self-confidence. But suddenly, when confronted with adversity, and left with no choice but to overcome this disheartenment, I not only survived the ordeal, but thrived under the strenuous circumstances. This quality, this drive is what draws me to UC Berkeley School of Law. Having had the misfortune of completing my undergrad in such a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere has instilled in me a longing for the competitive environment I had grown accustomed to. One that tests my limits, and stimulates my growth as both an intellectual and as a

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