I am a juggler. For as long as I’ve juggled, I’ve dreamt of competing at the International Jugglers Association (IJA) stage. Where others saw engineering, math, and science, I saw that stage. My fascination with juggling and the way people worked with their props and music brought me to Quebec City in 2015 as a part of our 16 person Ultimate Club. Here I was, participating in the IJA Teams Stage Championships. For practice in Quebec, we were stuck in a small room in an old church to practice, I remained enthusiastic.The ceiling was painfully low, and seriously hindered our ability to rehearse. We had to relocate twice. Morale was going down. Time and time again I reminded myself and those around me of that famous phrase "Great effort leads to great rewards," and sure enough, soon my aspirations began to be met. Competition night tested our rehearsals and our teamwork. We were closing the first act …show more content…
I joined Jugheads Youth Juggling Company the summer before third grade. I was shy. I hid behind my mother’s legs, peeking out into a room filled with people throwing things around. It was intimidating. That was the summer I learned how to juggle three balls. That school year, I picked up rings and clubs, and broke my wrist unicycling. The next summer, I learned to juggle four. As a new juggler, I constantly looked for videos to watch. I watched competitions constantly, kept juggling myself. To me, these routines were an incredible source of inspiration. At Jugheads, we had other students, called assistants, mentor us. These students were high school students, and yet they taught us how to juggle. From them I learned perseverance and overcoming frustration. These student leaders left a lasting impact on me. They took significant chunks of time out of their lives to teach children years younger than them. As soon as I was able, I asked to become one as well. I started volunteering teaching third to fifth
Playing on a high school tennis team, being a freshman advisory peer leader, and volunteering at various locations has provided me with the tools to be a good leader in anything I do. Being a member of my tennis team has taught me to be supportive and spread positive motivation to all my teammates through all the losses and wins. As an upperclassman, I stand as a role model and mentor for the younger athletes, a peer to approach when needing to perfect a serve or gain confidence before a match. Freshmen Advisory had taught be the importance of being receptive towards new high school students, being a point of reference for anything from getting an A in a difficult class to making new friends. I was able to help guide the freshmen in my school through their first year while at a new stage in their lives. I have also been involved within my community at numerous volunteer locations such as Center for Food Action, New Life Senior Center, Valley Hospital and many more. I have learned to be a leader within these organizations by giving back and influencing my peers to do the
For the duration of my high school career, I have had influential teachers and mentors that have helped to guide me in having higher goals and expectations for myself in life. A few of those teachers happen to be the Lewisville High School directors.They have pushed me to be the best that I can be which is something that I believe every student should have but some are not as fortunate to receive.
¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬Around 6 million Jews suffered an unimaginable death during the Holocaust. That was a truly horrifying experience that cannot be expressed or understood. Even though the concept of experiencing and understanding the horrors cannot be conveyed. Richard Yaxley clearly depicts the essence of trauma having long-lasting effects, in his historical fiction, This is my Song. The novel shows Rafael Ullman, living in Prague, the Czech Republic during Hitler’s propaganda about Jews.
A leadership experience in what I positively influence others and helped resolve disputes was Link Crew. Link Crew is a program where we help incoming freshmen to high school and show them around school and help them out on anything they need like homework. When I was a link crew leader I helped many kids who had low grades. While I was in this program I noticed that many kids had low grades and didn't turn in work or even their homework I did my best and talked to them about how they will struggle so much to get there credits later on some kids listen and did all their work where they at least passed their classes with a D or C. I had people who I got to meet during this I communicated with many people who joined this program and helped many kids. Students who come to high school think it will be very easy like in middle school but it will get harder each year. Many times I was helping the students I feel like It influenced them to work harder and be better in school and help each other in some ways. Link Crew was such a good program that it was where others students helped other students. I showed many leadership experience by joining this program.
I was able to really connect with everyone else in the society as well as build a relationship with the teachers and staff. Talking about my experiences with teaching and mentoring I was able to go teach elementary school students about communication and expressions at a big seminar that took place at a community college. After that I was also able to go to an elementary school in my town with the National Honors Society which we read to a class of students and did various activities with them. We would either help them draw and write about the pictures or we would do arts and crafts with them relating to a specific topic. Referencing the discussions from our first class something I am passionate about is being able to directly work with kids and like Professor Riem said you have to want to come into class everyday with a positive attitude or you'll always end up having a negative attitude. Personally I always like to have a positive outlook on things and I am passionate about putting my attitude towards the children I work with. Skills and traits that make someone a valuable team player is you have to be dedicated, focused, patient, and
Students before me, with me, and even after me has taught me many skills on how to be a leader. I remember a time, when I was in 3rd grade,
From the time our Founding Fathers introduced the idea of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, many individuals are now craving to achieve their idea of the American Dream. The American Dream has changed dramatically over the few centuries. During the Founding Fathers’ time, many believed the American Dream meant freedom, equality, and mutual respect. Time has changed this ideology of the American Dream, which is now seen as owning a million dollar mansion with multiple luxury cars. This isn’t the case for many immigrants who come to the Americas to have a better life for themselves and their family. To many of them, the American Dream is as simple as living in a house and being able to provide their children with an education and
Over the years, I’ve been blessed with the opportunity in being the twirling instructor for Goldthwaite Middle and High School. I have gained a lot physically and mentally while working with these young girls. Throughout this process I’ve realized I am not perfect and still growing. Which is why when I received a new twirler last year, I knew I had to step up my skills.
According to John Quincy Adams “ If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and becoming more, you are a leader.” Throughout my years in Mater Academy East, I have always strive to get the best grades possible. While inspiring others to do the same. I have been a member of The Cat Network for a year. The Cat Network is a non-profit corporation that is dedicated to save animals from the wrong hands. This non-profit corporation has taught me a lot about the importance of communication, helping out the community, and working in a team environment. I plan to use all my experience to Inspire and help students to achieve their goals.
My main mentor was the 7th grade science teacher, in that class the students worked in partners to complete a review for an upcoming test. But at the beginning of each class one of the school councilors came in to help the students create their schedule for the next school year. I think that was a good experience to have, it showed first hand as a teacher you have to be able to adapt to changing situations. Whenever Mr. Page, my mentor, got to school this was thrown on him, he had to modify what he had scheduled to meet the administration’s
Hey guys how’s it going? So, I couldn’t fit this topic into a fact video so I’m creating a new series just so I could talk about this topic and topics that are similar to this, so let’s begin.
Over the many years I’ve spent doing gymnastics, I’ve become a determined and motivated individual. Always striving to do better in everything I do, whether it 's in my routines or raising my grades on every exam. To be the best in gymnastics, it not only takes having the routine with the most difficulty, but being able to perform those skills with precision, which takes endless practice and repetition. First or second place could be set apart by a hundredth of a tenth based on even the smallest imperfection such as a foot not being pointed.
Finding a mentor or role model: We as student leaders were mandated to have a mentor, additionally other seniors around the students were individuals, who lived exemplary lives. They preached what they practiced. Some of the key members in this group have left a lasting impression on me. Particularly, their manner of handling crisis and decision making in the midst of conflicts enabled me to learn to imitate them. Admiration for them has unintentionally helped me to emulate the same traits.
I had never actually performed a juggling routine before. Sure, I had shown off in front of my peers loads of times. Not to mention that one time my school put on a circus-themed play, and, naturally, the director had me walk back and forth across the stage doing a three ball cascade for the entirety of the story. Additionally, I had been on stage numerous times, that comes with the territory when you’ve been dancing since the age of four. I had been throwing and subsequently dropping various objects since the day I could walk. With all of this being true, why were my hands shaking more than when I took the ACT?
I was also involved for three and a half years in a student government club on campus. In this club I learned many life lessons. One of which was the value of hard work. I was one of the few people that organized the Junior/Senior Prom of 2000. My responsibilities included planning corranation, buying and organizing decorations, planning the busing schedule, booking the photographers, fundraising, ect. This taught me about hard work. But the best part of it was going to Prom knowing I was one of the only reasons that it happened.