Gap 1 stage, thirty hours until the Great Divide, eighteen hours until Synthesis. “Okay people, although in the next day we will be blessed by the gods to go through the Great Divide, we need to continue our normal routines for at least the next twenty-eight hours,” Our boss tells us before we start the day. I can’t believe it’s actually happening, the Great Divide, I have heard stories from the elders but never thought the day would come. “Um, Jim, I’m starting to feel tingly, do you feel it too?” My friend Terry asked, slightly panicked. “Yeah, I guess,” I said before noticing Terry’s odd growth, “Wow, I’m growing, The Gods must be preparing me for the Divide,” Terry exclaimed. As our group moved, I looked over and saw the hospital for degenerates. The degenerates are the cells that have sinned, they have been chastised by the gods and often don’t make it to the Great Divide. Synthesis and Gap 2 stage, twelve hours until the Great Divide, about eight hours until Gap 2, two hours until Mitosis. Terry and I have almost duplicated in size, along with the rest of the cells in our group. As the Great Divide approaches more and more cells are beginning to rebel, there are groups of them now. They say the Great Divide is caused by something called “science,” and is not a blessing from the gods. The rebels also say that the …show more content…
Terry is almost split in two, apparently, I am as well. “Jim, you’ve always been my best friend and if I don’t make it through the Divide, tell my mother I love her,” Terry said quite nervously. I can feel it now, the god’s blessing is upon me. I feel a slight pulling to my right and close my eyes, all that is left now is my faith in the gods. I open my eyes to see my duplicate, “Jim, it's me, your son, Tim.” I look over and see terry and his son, he introduces himself as Jerry. As Tim and I start talking, I inform him of the gods and prepare him for his first
It was the day the junior high volleyball girls played Madison Grant! They were the only team that we lose to last year.We were going back and forth and back. It was a really good game. Who won the biggest rivalry in Frankton JH?
Over my years of school, one big influence on me has always been sports. Ever since a young age, I have always enjoyed playing and watching sports. In my four years in high school, I have fell in love with the sport of lacrosse.
I woke up and took one bite out of my pop tart but that one bite was all I could eat. My legs were shaking, and my heart was pounding. My dad told me, “It is a true honor to even make it this far so go out there and have some fun.” Once I heard this statement, I knew I was ready to go. I arrived at school and boarded the bus. The car ride was an hour and fifteen minutes of hearing the squeaking of the wheel on the bus. My teammates were getting their heads ready for the big game.
2014 Fall Semester in the begining was going pretty good i was excited to began school , adapting to the new college life, and interacting with friends and new people. I was attending all my classes on time , studying , and completing the required assigments that needed to be done. I also was working a full-time at Gensis Logistics it wasnt easy trying to manage my schedule , but i tried to make it work the best i could. MTE 1 , 3 , and SDV was a breeze to me I was completing my assigments , studying , and understanding the information that was given to me. Now on the otherhand ENG wasn't hard for me i just didnt understand the content that was teached by the teacher. English was always the strongest subject for me so i couldnt understand why it was such a problem in college , maybe it was the teacher and her teaching methods. I never understood any information that was given it seemed to me like our class was always off topic one class period we would talk english, and then another class period we would talk about something else besides english. Then she assigned papers and assigments that was unfamilar to me it seem like everytime she assigned the class papers
When I was 5, my hands grew old and weary, tired of construction and calloused from work. Day after day after day, I would fashion new worlds and cultures out of little LEGO blocks. I worked fastidiously- creating tiny planes, guarded forts, and expansive cities that swept from one end of the carpet to the other. (I loved to make castles with booby-trapped moats and false walls and hidden entrances.)
A perfect four for four. That’s what I got when guessing what four dichotomies refer to me. The only part that’s surprised me is who they compared me to in the Harry Potter books. I thought I was going to be Harry Potter or Professor Lupin, not Luna Lovegood who most people thought was crazy. However she’ so I guess it is a pretty good match! The four dichotomies I guessed were; introversion, intuition, feeling and perceiving. Out of the four traits given to use I think three of them will be able to help me as a writer.
There are many avocations that I would chose from. But, more specifically, I would aspire to be a unique, “at home style” photographer. Being able to capture simple moments in a strange place like Elsewhere seems so interesting to do. Each day I would grab my camera, go outside, stroll around and observe nature. I would be able to go outside and capture moments of people, the warm sky, or anything that I would want to. The thing is, there are no limits to photography
Next , after I wanted for my division to be called I was out in the area with a lot of really good looking hogs and in my head I was freaking out. So the first and second places people out of the three classes, all the first place winners go out and that was me. With the hog not walking again, I still got picked for grand in my division. I think I was the most surprised, but what can i say i amd going back out in a minute. When my dad met me at the fence he told I had a good chance. So there I was freaking out again and excited about what I could get.
I thought my life was amazing. Everything about it was perfect. I didn't think anything would be able to disturb that peace. I had no idea that anything was wrong. I never imagined my parents would get a divorce.
After a much needed time bringing in this poem’s meaning, I have realized that my life is very much alike to this stunning and deep piece of literature. Much like The Road not Taken, the way my life worked and happened correlates to this differing and new road. Sweetness was me, and I made sure that people knew who he was. Sweetness was also like you, just an average boy growing up and playing sports. When I went to college, that’s when things changed.
Though I have no recollection of this, my family often explained that as a young child I was quite rambunctious. I’d repeated refused to participate in activities, had poor grades, and had interesting temper tantrums. Most adults believed it was caused by a lack of attention or a distrust of others. However, I’d felt as if I received all the attention I required and trusted most people I knew. In reality the issue was caused by my dissatisfaction of how gray the world seemed and I lacked a creative outlet to counteract this. This all changed when I receive my first handheld system. My parents immediately noticed a drastic improvement in both my behavior and learning pace afterwards. I was astonished at what such a small device could accomplish,
“What!” I commented. “What do you mean you're getting married?” I said with my aching heart, after the words of “I’m marrying him.”
It was a bright and sunny day on June 3, 1995. Such a good day that I was in the mood to become something different, something that no one would expect to become, but what I had in mind wasn’t what I was hoping for. It was nice out and Brandon and I had some unfinished business we needed to take care of. We got mad at each other earlier that day, got into a big fight and ended up messing up moms’ big day. On top of that, he blamed the whole thing on me which I can never forgive him for, but I can also never forget what happened to Brandon.
I stood on the mound gripping the yellow softball, my heart was racing, my hands were sweating, and the soft breeze was blowing my ponytail side to side. I was facing my biggest rival from the neighboring school. My teammates were all cheering “you got this” but I knew in the back of my mind I was facing not only their best hitter but my biggest nemesis. She and I have had a long standing rivalry like the relationship of Harry Potter and Voldemort. There were 2 outs and the game was tied in extra innings. The first pitch I threw to her she swung and missed I was getting excited, the second pitch she swung at and missed everyone in our stands was yelling and cheering as well as my whole they were thinking we got this. I could feel my pulse pound
Angie again told Bev she could have as much fun as she wanted because word of anything she did at the resort wouldn’t get back to Dave from us. She then told Bev if she was going to have fun with the guys she was also going to join in the fun and it should be real entertaining.