
Personal Narrative: The First Child Of Immigrant Parents

Decent Essays

It is challenging being the oldest child in every family. What is even harder, is being the first child of immigrant parents. From the obstacles I faced, I was able to become independent. My parents left El Salvador to go to America for a better life. When they left their country my mother was pregnant with her first child which was me. After I was born and I began to grow, the only language I spoke and heard was Spanish. Since both my parent spoke little English and spoke mostly Spanish I thought it was only natural for me to follow them.
As I began elementary school I was in ESL and in regular classes. My first language was Spanish but I also spoke the minimum of English. However, my speaking and understanding of English weren't sufficient enough to comprehend in class. Elementary school was hard for me because I was still not comprehending a lot even though my English improved. My parents tried their best to help me with schoolwork. It was until middle school my mother started to work. Without both my parents being there to help me I didn't know what to do. I knew that they would not always be able to help me. In order to take care of my …show more content…

Questions that I had about schoolwork or anything else I would search the web for answers. Little by little I started to find ways to teach myself when I get stuck on a subject. By the end of middle school, I did all my work and studies without asking for help. Not only did this help me to become independent in school it started to affect me at home. If either my brother or I was hungry it was better for us to cook instead of waiting for my mother to bring food or cook for us. By the end of middle school, my average was a 90 and I won an award for leadership. I was proud of the improvement I've made by being independent. Though little did I know it would affect me later

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