“Whoa, whoa! Where is this taking us, where, where?” I said as my heart was beating as fast as a runner who finished the Boston Marathon. I was hiking with my family a second ago, and now I am through a wavy transparent wall that made me feel like I was heading through Platform 9 ¾ in Harry Potter. I suddenly was flying through a golden sky that glistened like the sun hitting the ocean. Gracefully I did flips and cartwheels in the air while gold ribbon followed me like ducklings following their mother. Milliseconds later I landed in a grassy field. Cows were harvesting crops and cooking dinner. Straw hats aligned their faces, with brown corduroy overalls splattered in dirt. They smelled like a fertilizer company on a hot summer afternoon.
It's the day before the big Lake Fork bass tournament. John Noah is getting prepared. He has already cleaned up his boat and is rigging up a swimbait on his favorite carrot stick rod with his favorite lews reel on it. Next John got all his tackle together, he had to take his time choosing lures because of the certain depths in the lake. He got some topwaters for shallow water, some deep diving crank baits for deeper water, and some swimbaits and spinnerbaits for medium depth. Then he double checked everything and made sure it was all in the right place.
One of the most significant battles in antiquity was fought on the narrow, tree strewn plain of Marathon, in September, 490 BC. There, the Athenian army defeated a Persian force more than twice its size, because of superior leadership, training and equipment. The battle of Marathon has provided inspiration to the underdogs throughout history. In 490 BC, the Athenians proved that superior strategy, and technology can claim victory over massive numbers.
For the past three years I’ve been a part of a team that has shaped me into the person I am today. The John Hay cross country team has given me qualities that genuinely made me a better person such as being confident, disciplined, motivated, and a leader. Not only did running help me express these attributes, it also saved my life.
Looking back, the first sign of trouble was the contest quota that I missed by nearly fifteen percent. After my initial hot streak, I took the news hard.
My worst fear is getting shots. This arose when I was two years old, and had many visits to the doctor’s office because there were concerns about my respiratory system. I had to have many blood tests, which weren’t only scary, but also were painful. The blood tests came out normal, but it was later discovered I had asthma. After I had a severe reaction to tree nuts at around five, I had to have even more blood tests to determine if I had other allergies.
I finished the Lone Star half Marathon in 2 hours & 37 minutes. Not exactly my best time, but I still have a attitude of gratitude! During these 2 hours and 37 minutes one has plenty of time to reflect on their life, and what has transpired to get them to this very moment. I never dreamed that I would be ruining at all especially in a half marathon. I am grateful to God that I am able, healthy and most of all SOBER! You see 7 years ago this month I finally decided to give my will over to God. You see I was a long time drug addict. My drug of choice was Methamphetamine! God delivered me of a severe addiction! As well as , smoking cigarettes and many more self destructing behaviors that I had become accustom too. God gave
I am a runner for the cliffside park middle school and i got a call from Miami florinda if i could run in their marathon. I was so proud to be running in their seasonal marathon it was a lifetime opportunity. I was doing some research and i red that it is a competitive marathon. A few days later we went to Miami and we had to go check in. we also had to check if i was eligible to run because i turned 13. We got everything cleared up and i could run. Then a few hours passed and we had to go to the running field. The coach said that the only objective was to run around the field twice and come back to the line. I came back to cliffside park middle school as first place. I was happy that i made cliffside park middle school proud.
The Winter Classic is a once every year event that takes place every New Year’s Day. It is a special game that thee National Hockey League puts on where two teams get to play a game outside instead of the usual indoor game. The 2011 Winter Classic happened to be taking place right here in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. I as the hockey fan I am naturally wanted to go to it. I had brought up the idea of going as merely a suggestion a “Hey wouldn’t this be cool” type of thing. I was not thinking that anything would come of it just expecting it to forgotten about. Then we flash forward to Christmas morning of that year I am just about done taking in all of my presents and my mom said I have one more present left. I sat there wondering to myself what
It was a bright crisp autumn Texas morning, when I decided to go for a run at a nearby park. Running the trails at the park seems to always give me a tranquil feeling afterwards. It clears my mind and gives me the energy and strength that I may need to conquer everyday obstacles. It makes me appreciate the simple things in life much more which I know at many times I have taken for granted. Runs in the park open up unforeseen opportunities from the beautiful landscape, its natural habitats and all the beauty Mother Nature has blessed us with.
My first recollection of running was Junior High, my best friend was on the cross country team and she convinced me to go on a run with her. I barely finished and remember thinking I am never doing this again. Almost 10 years later here I am signed up for a marathon! This will be my first marathon, but I ran my first half marathon last year and loved the feeling of all my hard work paying off. I felt like a million bucks! There are so many reasons I love to run, but one of the main reasons I do it is for strength. I love feeling confident in accomplishing my goals, working hard for something, knowing what an incredible tool my body is and knowing I can do anything I put my mind to! I love the mission of the Girls on the Run Southern Utah. I
Running the mandatory mile in gym class, what an awful experience. Starting with all of the classmates, and trying to sprint to refrain from looking like a dork. I was that kid all the way in the back, huffing and puffing minutes after everyone else had finished. I was picked on. It wasn’t that I didn’t like running, I actually had loved the distance, I was just slow. Somehow my poor mile time had been humorous to all my classmates, every single elementary year up until after middle school. For the first two years of high school, I refused to run. The taunts of the over-confident sprinters played in my head during every attempt at running. I began to actually miss feeling the sensation of my feet hitting the pavement, experiencing the rush.
Today's run was different and so refreshing at the same time. I ran with a new group this morning - BRG UNCC Greenway. I really like this group, despite the distance from my home. There was a lot of chatter among the woman and Spirit was noticeable strong among this group of women. Then we did something I've never seen before with any other group I ran with. We warmed up together. Afterward, we got in circle and held hands. Sung happy birthday to one lady. And then the group Coorindator prayed for the protection and running success for each women in the group. Whaaaaaa!!! Man, I wanted to jump in the middle of the circle and praise and shout.
As a timid freshman, I attended my first annual cross country camp. The first morning arrived, and at 6AM Dave Gerlach, my coach barged in echoing, “Good Morning ladies today is a beautiful day for a run.” This saying was repeated every morning, regardless if it was actually a beautiful day to run. While he yelled this through the cabins simultaneously flashing the intense lights impairing our eyes, worst if you were on the top bunk, which was not in my favor at the time. Keeping my eyes closed, I lugged myself out of bed scrambling to find clothes out of my disheveled suitcase. Over, under, around and through, Meet Mr. Bunny Rabbit, pull and through. And Just like that my shoes were on ready to run. The first run was a simple 6K. As the gun went off I thought to myself, Easy...right?
ter we had. The snow had been so high that leaving the house just to go to town for the basics was near impossible. Music blasting in my ears as I pushed myself to run one more mile. “Just one more, just one more” I told myself. Sweat ran along my spine and dripped from my chin, my chest heave as i sucked in every breath. In through the nose out through the mouth. “push,push PUSH” I said to myself. Running was my way of relaxing a release of all of the toxic build up inside of me. I always went alone, it was better that way I had no one to keep up with and no one to keep up with me. I was free. Vibrations on my wrist made me slow to a walk I had been running for an hour and it was time to head back home. Home the place that I shared with
I am shock by what I am seeing now. I find myself flying in the middle of the boundless sky like an eagle. The beauty of the earth is all under my eyes now. I can see the greenish forests, the giant mountains, the empty lands, and the busy cities that are far away. But the most beautiful thing is the blue sky itself where I am in. Suddenly the next moment, I was standing on the roof of a 100-stories tall skyscraper while enjoying my expensive wine and the landscape of the city. When I look down, although I am scared of heights, I see the miniature of pedestrians and cars that are moving around. Travelling in an imagination world is probably the most joyful thing to do in the life. I don’t where I will be next yet, but it will come to my mind when it is the right time.