
Personal Narrative: The 2008 Financial Crisis

Decent Essays

At the time of the financial crisis in 2008 I was about 10 years old. So, I was old enough to know what was going on, but not why it was happening. My dad is self-employed, so we really experienced the repercussions of this event. My dad is in construction and is a snowplower, so the number of clients he had needed projects to be completed or driveways to be plowed severely decreased. Also at the time my mom was a stay at home mom for both of my sisters, but after the crisis occurred this would no longer be able to continue. My dad had also just bought a brand-new plow truck so now in addition to having less clients they now had a car loan they had to worry about. Another aspect that I remember hearing about is how high the price of houses was as well. They were being priced way higher than they we worth. So, at the time my uncle and his family purchased a house out in Genoa for about $300,000 and within a few years they had lost so much money from the sale because the market crashed and their house was worth so much less. But the thing is the lenders were doing this to most people. They would offer them a loan for more than what they can afford. …show more content…

Sadly, I know this wasn’t the case for much of the country. Not only did families have issues not being effected but also the companies. While I watched the video “Inside the Meltdown” most of the information I had heard before in my other classes that I have taken at ECC. But I thought it was most beneficial to see each company that was responsible. But really, I think people are still trying to figure out who’s responsible for the meltdown. But in my eyes, it’s time to move past that and focus on what is happening

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