
Personal Narrative Strategies

Decent Essays

Over the last six weeks, I have enjoyed making progress on all of the goals that I have set myself. Most significantly, I have corrected the shape of my fourth finger through changes in my left-hand position and noticed dramatic difference in the ease and quality of playing. I found the changes I had to make difficult, and I committed considerable time to implementing slow and mindful practice. The most effective strategy in approaching this goal was practicing various finger patterns slowly and repetitively, noticing the look and feel of the correct technique. Over time I became more accustomed to the technique, and learnt to reproduce it in lesser time and with more consistency. I can confidently say that my technique is now improved after setting and striving for this goal. …show more content…

Now my goal has shifted direction, although it is related to this last goal. I am aiming to keep developing what I have been working on in order to produce this technique with absolute consistency, but also to free all tension from my hand while I play in my new position. Releasing the tension that I sometimes feel is important as it will allow for freer playing and reduce the risk of injury. This will come from mindfulness and familiarity, so I will continue to approach it in the same way that I approached modifying the hand position, and apply the slow and repetitive practice to any problematic sections in my

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