
Personal Narrative: So, Where Are You From

Decent Essays

“So, where are you from?”

I’ve heard this a thousand times in the past four years. From the stranger sitting next to me in a class to the newest neighbor in my apartment complex. Everyone reacts in similar ways when I reply, “Rhode Island.” I pause and smile as they tilt their head, scrunch their eyebrows and reply with something along the lines of “huh, really?” You see, after high school, I have lived a minimum of 1000 miles away from my hometown, and with Rhode Island being such a small state; a lot of the people who ask me about my background have never met someone from the state or even heard of it before. Once they process what I have just told them, they fire their next question “how did you end up here?” And I think about my family, and how they helped me get to where I am today.

I didn’t always know that I was meant for medicine. It took many years of personal development to realize what I really wanted to do with the rest of my life and it all started with Autism. When I was in middle school, my youngest brother was diagnosed with Autism and bipolar disorder. At that time in my life I had moved on from my dreams of becoming an Olympic gymnast and was focusing on my career as a …show more content…

Through each of their struggles I have learned lessons that will help me on my journey to become a physician. My brother’s experience taught me to that every person is different but everyone should be treated as equals. My mother’s experience taught me how to support a person struggling even when it seems there is no tangible solution. And lastly, my father’s experience taught me that every person deserves help and you must seek it even when the world is telling you your problems don’t matter. I believe these life experiences will help me to become a compassionate physician caring for my patients as best as I

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