
Personal Narrative: Sacrifice For Meaning

Decent Essays

Living with the knowledge that you will die can become an incredibly powerful motivation to achieve the right things in your life. Everything has to come to an end but no one wants to understand the ugly truth of life, and death comes all of a sudden. And that’s me as an individual have come to estate where life has revealed itself to me and have chosen me as a sacrifice for another soul to be born and that before I leave I’ll leave a mark. It is a scary thing to know that I will die soon but I know that I’ll enjoy every single moment in my life, I’ll enjoy the little things and I’ll notice everything around me. Each moment will be important to me, so I’ll do my best to make every second matters. I’m young and I am a dreamer, I know that I didn’t have the chance to do everything that I wanted to do or even reach my goals. But now it’s different that I knew I’ll die in a year that would change my decisions. Realizing that I didn’t enjoy my life made me regret that I was wasting my time by thinking of tomorrow. …show more content…

No limits I’m free it feels like flying , like a phoenix a bird that knows when he’s dying but strong today I’m alive not dead yet . I was mad at the world but now I’m loving everyone, treating everybody with love and a smile , a smile can do a lot can change someone’s mood. Yes share the love I’m accepting my death with a hug, I know what I’m doing today not looking for what’s tomorrow , when tomorrow comes I will worry about that then . No worries more than knowing I’m goanna die what’s worst can happen to a

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