
Personal Narrative: SJ Ranch Riding Camp

Decent Essays

Excited whispers rose from my riding group as we sat outside the arena for our group lesson. A set of cross-rails was set up in our usually empty riding space. My lower level riding group lessons had so far consisted only of trotting posture, called posting, and galloping. “Today, we will be trotting over crossrails and holding jumping position. No jumping.” the instructor stated sternly. As I sat on my horse in the line of horses flush against the wall of the arena, I felt a strange mixture of anticipation and disappointment. Though I had only taken a few lessons before coming to SJ Ranch Riding Camp, I felt I was far more capable than the rest of the group I’d been placed in. What I lacked in ability I made up for in maturity and eagerness to learn and progress.
Soon enough we’d all been over the rails a few times, picking up a nice rhythm; posting trot around the corner, hold jumping position over the cross rails then post around the opposite corner, slow to a walk and join the back of the line. As I observed the girl directly in front of me trot over the rails for the third time, I pressed my heels down and in, clicking my tongue to encourage my horse forward and then from a walk to a trot. The horse I had been assigned that day, an old Appaloosa named Sage, was taking his time so I gave …show more content…

It seemed like I was flying as Sage soared through the air. My adrenaline was pumping, torn between panic and awe. Then I was back on the ground, my attention reverting back to Sage as he smoothly galloped around the corner of the arena. Immediately I slowed to a walk, settling back to sitting on the saddle. My instructor immediately strided towards me. “‘Well executed, but a bit ambitious, don’t you think?” She smiled at me, as we both laughed a bit deliriously. “It wasn’t on purpose, Sage just took off!” I reassured her hurriedly, as rejoined the

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