
Personal Narrative: Run Your Own Race

Decent Essays

Track Attack

“Run your own race,” that’s what my coach told me before every race. My freshman year I was blessed to get the opportunity to run the 800 meter in Jefferson City at the 2014, Class 2, state track meet. This was my first year ever going to state so you can imagine my excitement. Although I was super duper eager, my nerves were on edge. I had never been so nervous in my entire life!
Before the big race all I could do was stare at the stat sheet. So many numbers floating around on the page, putting me in third place! My nerves were getting so bad my teammates wrestled the stat sheet away from me. They didn't want me to psych myself out. I put off warming up as long as I could, not wanting to accept the fact that I was minutes away from racing. My jitters were so high, I couldn't talk, I could barely walk. I was having a nervous attack, no, I was having a track attack! …show more content…

I can’t even begin to explain how sick I felt at that moment. After the gun sounds, everything I was thinking about before goes away. My mind is blank and I’m just concentrating on running the best I can. Pshh... what are nerves? In the middle of my race I got boxed in, which is the worst position to be in at that point. Luckily, I got out of the pack and started picking off the leaders. The last 200 meters of this race is what separates the men from the boys, or in my case the women from the girls. My legs felt like they were made out of concrete, my butt was as hot as a stove, and do I even need to explain how exhausted my arms

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