
Personal Narrative: Pearl Harbor

Decent Essays

Every morning I wake up at six a.m. I see the reflection of myself in my gleaming pocket knife. I look more like my father now than ever. He is back in Ohio as I follow in his footsteps by joining the armed forces. He was in the army and because of that I lived in Ohio and Germany for most of my life. I still remember the days in Germany when I got to visit the German schools and go outside of the base. Here in Ceiba, Puerto Rico at Roosevelt Roads Naval Base, the weather is hot and humid, it smells of salt water all the time and you constantly hear the waves crash against the colossal boats docked in the harbor. As I lay in bed as a child I used to dream of captaining submarines in the midst of war, I wanted to sail the seven seas using nuclear …show more content…

Breakfast lunch and dinner every day, whatever you wanted to eat. Since my first test was today I made sure to eat as many carrots as I could over the past week I’ve been here for. They have to test my vision because all the buttons in the submarines are color coded and it isn’t great if you press the wrong one. If you were blind, color blind, majorly visually impaired, or weren’t physically fit, you couldn’t captain a nuclear sub. The man who tested me during my first color blindness test was very cheesy and at the end, he made the worst pun ever, he said I passed with flying colors. That same night I had a dream that I was in the engine room and I pressed the wrong button. I pressed orange instead of red and that sent a nuclear missile launching. The metallic missile passed by fish and sharks’ fins. It destroyed clusters of coral and ripped beds of seaweed from the sea floor. It didn’t just destroy vegetation, it is approaching a U.S. battleship, closer and closer, and then I jolt awake. The room is still dark and everyone is snoring, so I attempt to go back to …show more content…

Since I had such an amazing rest last night when I looked at the submarines and battleships docked the didn’t seem scary anymore, my sleep must’ve cleared my head. Instead of just looking at the colossal ships through the mess hall window I decided to actually go outside. I leaned my forearms on the railing. The cool sea mist wasted across my face. The awakening sun was becoming bright in the sky as the clouds separated. A brown pelican watched me nearby. It stared at me as if I was going to feed it. I didn’t want it to get any ideas so I decided to head towards the ophthalmologist’s office. The fluorescent lights in the corridor were ever so welcoming today. The white tile floor reflected some of the light off them. Everything was polished and pristine in this hallway like a regular doctor’s office back in America is. The distinct smell of clean that fills every exam room flys past my nose as I approach the door. The handle is shiny and cold to the touch. I open the door and get a sincere welcome from the man who is about to test me. He instructs me to take a seat in the chair. Once again he pulls out extremely similar pictures to the previous sets I was shown yesterday and the day before. He asks me questions like which square is darkest, which square is lightest, and others similar to those. Every time I said an answer he gave me a satisfying mm-hmm. I am on the last question and answer

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