When I walked onto the quad on the first day of freshman orientation I was still amazed that I would be the next two years at a prestigious university such as Oxford college of Emory University. The sight in itself was one like no other. Seney hall stood tall and bright as we put our cokes to the sky and made the big Emory coke toast. However, I would soon come to realize that the beauty of Oxford was not just in its spectacular campus and rigorous education. Oxford was a place where one could truly build a community and get involved if they sought out to. When deciding on what organizations to participate in I leaned towards those that have always been of much interest to me but also clubs that would also help me step out of my comfort zone.
My personal faith grows daily by my choice to follow my love and savior, Jesus, every day I wake up. It was by no accident that God showed me Liberty University, and has now become a top option in my choices of colleges. I believe in the deep mission Liberty University has to develop Christ-centered believers because it is the same mission I strive to live out daily in my walk as a follower of Christ. My season of life will not always be the same as someone else's, but I pray that what I have walked through and what God taught me in those seasons can give perspective to others. I have grown up always knowing God but not until my sophomore year in high school did I truly start to live that out. I took two opportunities in the past two years
When I first heard about Berry College, I thought it was just another school in Georgia. My friend told me about it and I thought maybe I should look into it. I put it aside for some time until I saw a picture of this beautiful building. I was taken away by the architecture so I looked up the building and realized it was part of Berry College. I feel like in that moment, I felt in love with the surroundings of the school. I looked more into it and saw that it had everything I was looking for. The environment, the classes, and the activities, it was just perfect. So I have to say that I'm attracted to the feel of the campus and the never ending size. I know what I see it's only on the outside, but I can't wait to see what it has to offer inside.
During my two last years of high school, i've been in contact with a lot of colleges and universities. Many of which don’t get my attention. Throughout my whole high school years, there was only one college that i wanted to go to, Liberty University. I have heard so many wonderful things about Liberty and what i loved the most was that it was a christian school. Liberty had the number one thing that i am looking for in a college, that is a christian school, but many of my other things that i look for in a college where just not there. I used to live in Florida approximately 11 years ago and let me tell you, it's hard not to miss the sunshine state. Liberty is in Virginia, a state where it doesn't feel like home. When i received a brochure
The saying goes “if you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it is yours forever. If it doesn't, then it never was yours at all.” This past fall semester I had to set myself free from the one place I loved to be the most and that was Millersville University. Millersville has been a place that I can whole heartedly call home. From the view of Miller and S’ville at the pond to walking through the SMC to being welcomed by all who see you on campus. I even loved my classes for I had professors who put everything into their teaching and wanted the best for their students. I had to give it all away this past semester and it hurt me so bad.
College. The word alone sends an icy chill down my spine as my mind wanders and dreams of the day that I will finally step foot on an enlightening campus. As a curious child and even more inquisitive teen, I have always been, and continue to be, mesmerized by the glossy college pamphlets with perfect photos of students, posing “naturally” in their science labs and English seminars. I always knew college was for me, as at the age of seven I began planning out my future major (and minors). Of course, my ideal university and course of study has changed over the years, yet the idea of college has continued to fascinate me. The core principles of any given college are most likely related to collaboration, a rigorous education, and diversity, which
Over my years of school, one big influence on me has always been sports. Ever since a young age, I have always enjoyed playing and watching sports. In my four years in high school, I have fell in love with the sport of lacrosse.
I woke up and took one bite out of my pop tart but that one bite was all I could eat. My legs were shaking, and my heart was pounding. My dad told me, “It is a true honor to even make it this far so go out there and have some fun.” Once I heard this statement, I knew I was ready to go. I arrived at school and boarded the bus. The car ride was an hour and fifteen minutes of hearing the squeaking of the wheel on the bus. My teammates were getting their heads ready for the big game.
Simpson Anne. Session1. JournalI feel like my experiences in life have shaped me into the person I am today. I feel that life has it ups and downs. I love God and know he is always there for us. A favorite scripture verse is John 17:16.”They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.”My dad was a minister. I am thankful that I grew up in a strong Christian home. I chose Colorado Christian University because I wanted an academic community that loves God. I feel in my short time so far at CCU that I have grown as a Christian. For example, I have more boldness to witness to people about Christ.What were some assumptions I had about CCU before I started my classes? I assumed that I would not have support from my fellow teachers and classmates.
My study at Howard Community College has helped me pick out a major that I know I will love pursuing for the rest of my life. HCC was a great way for me to learn the introductions to pertaining to my major. Although HCC was a considerable start, it had limited programs and resources that could have guided me in the long run.
As my high school years were coming to an end, all anyone could talk about was college. Where they were going, what state they would be a resident in, and what they would major in, what campus they would be visiting that weekend. I, however, thought I had it all under control. I thought that when my Senior year came by it would all fall in to place. That's crazy, right? The shows that I grew up watching did not have to deal with this. That is when expectation went out the window and reality kicked me in the butt. I had five months left to start applying to colleges and looking in to different campuses that offered my dental hygiene program. Lucky for me, my community college had a two year program.
My thoughts are just consisting of light, a mixture of yellow and white but so pure and I don’t see no evil whatsoever; not consisting of any bad thing which I am grateful about. I see myself, and only me in a land and something is puffing me up and by that I see such tiny stars or crystals coming right at me putting forth unlimited joy and grace into me which will enable me to be happy and giggly no matter how crazy and maddening a situation will be.
Growing up with a father in the military, you move around a lot more than you would like to. I was born just east of St. Louis in a city called Shiloh in Illinois. When I was two years old my dad got the assignment to move to Hawaii. We spent seven great years in Hawaii, we had one of the greatest churches I have ever been to name New Hope. New Hope was a lot like Olivet's atmosphere, the people were always friendly and there always something to keep someone busy. I used to dance at church, I did hip-hop and interpretive dance, but you could never tell that from the way I look now.
I believe I am an example of leadership, scholarship, character, and service in my own life. Some of the activities I am in represent how I uphold the ideals throughout my day. With Golf Basketball and all the sports I am in, I uphold the leadership pillar as a guide my peers. In Aca-Deca and Quiz bowl, I demonstrate the pillar of scholarship. While volunteering my time at church events and the in friends program I exhibit the pillars of character and service.
English 101 was a challenging course. A constant stream of reading and writing lead to a demanding yet rewarding semester. The variety of texts read and written about provided a plethora of life lessons and demonstrations of values. Now at the end of the course I find myself a better student and writer. The texts themselves were not influential to my growth as a critical reader or college student. Rather, it was my own analysis of the texts that allowed me to consider other perspectives on technology use in the classroom and the importance of revision when it comes to school work.
I started drawing when I was 16. I was cursing 10th grade, or how is called in my country, Dominican Republic “Segundo de Bachillerato”. It was recess. I was alone in my classroom that day, besides two or three people who were just killing time there, and I didn’t had much to do with my time. I was at the last book of a series of books which names I can’t remember and If I recall correctly the last book was very boring for some reason so I didn’t wanted to read it anymore. So, looking for something to do, I stood from my seat and walked boringly down the aisle of chairs and that was, not my first interaction with art, but the first time I remember i liked art or paid attention to it. Yerkis, a guy of my class: short, chubby and well mannered