
Personal Narrative: Overruled

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I’m not going to lie, when Overruled was brought to my attention I was expecting some sort of Cop game or Lawyer game, like Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, but what I got instead was a boring, half assed game that failed to entertain me for more than 1 hour.
Alright, here’s the breakdown, on paper this game sounds great, “Overruled is a multiplayer brawler like no other where the players change the rules as they play, directly influencing the dynamics and direction of combat. Challenge up to three friends with both local and online multiplayer to a battle and the person with the most points at the end will win the game!” but in reality it is severely lacking in; imagination, fun and multiplayer.
My first impression when I opened up the game was quite positive, the intro …show more content…

The first go is to get the hang of it and the second go is the one where you do it right, with each challenge being 30 seconds long you’ll find that it is possible to do an entire character in about 12 minutes.
I initially thought fans of the Souls series would like this sort of thing, but the more I think about it the more I realise that my assumption is wrong. You see, Dark Souls won’t make you do the exact thing over and over again but instead will force you to adapt to the game mechanics or even try to cheat them. Overruled! on the other hand has a specific way to do said challenge in mind and makes you find the yellow brick road, so to speak.
After I finished Indie’s challenge I booted up the multiplayer which was a fast track to nowhere, I was sat for half an hour (that is not an exaggeration) waiting for other players which never came. I gave up in the end and went back to challenge mode to do Sasol’s challenges (he’s supposed to be a pirate of some sort) and I did 2 before I switched the game off and decided to go to

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