Over Christmas break, I was invited to go to a friend’s house. I got the invite pretty late in the evening, but I still wanted to go. I still live with my parent’s, so that was where I was staying over break. Ever since I turned 18, I don’t really have to tell my mom where I am going or when I’ll be back, but I usually mention it to her, so she won’t be worried about me. When I decided to go over to my friend’s house, my mom was already asleep, granted it was not that late at night. I did not want to wake her up, so I just left without her knowledge. I thought that I was being thoughtful by not waking her up, but I decided to send her a text message for her to see when she woke up, so she wouldn’t be worried or wonder where I was. I woke up at my friend’s house to my mom calling me. When I answered, …show more content…
Once I turned 18, I was given the freedom to drive where I pleased and to return home whenever I wanted. I also never asked my parent’s if I could go somewhere, I would maybe just mention it to them, or ask them if they had anything planned for the day that I needed to be at home for. My parents also trusted me ever since I got my license, because I was always honest with them about where I was going and who I was with. I also went over to a friend’s house that I’ve been friends with since I was 8 and our families are good friends, as well. She also only lived about ten minutes away. It’s not like I was sneaking out of the house or trying to be secretive. I just went out the front door and got in my car and drove away. My mom was mad that I did not ask her before I left, even though I thought I was doing the right thing for letting her sleep. Being in college, I am used to doing as a please and driving where I want, so it is difficult to remember that I was in my mom’s house and that she would’ve worried about me. I do not think that I am responsible for always asking my mom if I can go
When Thanksgiving Break comes, the last thing anyone wants to think about is family drama, ways of speech, and slang. Days before Thanksgiving, I always find myself studying slang that I have never heard of and singing songs that I would’ve never imagined myself listening to. All to fit in with my family. I rarely see my family, but when I do, I try to make it enjoyable. My family lives pretty far away and we have always been raised in two different environments. I live in Avon, “Home of the rich white kids”, they like to say. They live on the East Side of Indianapolis, “Home of the gang violence and shootings”, I always say back. Though it is the same state, it feels like we have been raised in two different worlds.
It was a brisk and arid night in the town of Methuen. It was the night before Thanksgiving 2014 and my brother Chris and I were waiting outside for what seemed like forever for our uncle to come pick us up. For some strange reason I remember the exact time temperature was when he finally arrived. As we climbed into the back of his brand new Lexus I looked at the dashboard and it said it was 6:38 PM and it was a hawkish 25° F. My uncle, which I will refer to as “amo” which is the Lebanese Arabic term for uncle, said “Are you boys ready to make a change in people’s lives?” We responded simultaneously with a bewailing “yesssss”.
Have you ever did a productive way to spent your spring break? Well, I did b doing stuff I forget to do before. Like cleaning the house. Did you do chores and get money for doing it. Hmm... I have some toys which I don use. What could do with during the spring break.
As you get older, people expect more from you. It was Spring Break and my mom had given me a new responsibility. And it was how to learn how to drive somewhere if she is not able to drive herself to her destination.
Now that I am older I have more freedom to hang out with friends, so one day I ask my aunt to go for a bike ride with my friend. I was told to be home at 8:30. As I was riding my bike down Mack Avenue my chain broke on my bike, which caused me to arrive at home later than 8:30. I got home and explained what happened to my aunt, but she didn’t believe me. She asked why I didn’t call her, I told her I had texted her, but the message failed to send and even showed her my phone, but she still didn’t believe my story, she told me I was not allowed to go for bike rides at all
Hey all! I hope all you Canadians had an amazing Thanksgiving this past weekend. It’s one of my favourite holidays. I love getting together with family and friends, drinking a mug of apple cider, with the smell of fall in the air. There’s nothing like it. Now Halloween is only a few weeks away and I wanted a cute mug to drink my favourite spiced apple tea out of that was apropos for the holiday. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any that piqued my fancy… so I decided to make one!
Turning 16 was a big deal in my family. My parents believe that I should have a license and have enough money to pay for gas and insurance. This was a big burden on me because all I had was a permit and leftover money from my birthday which didn’t cut it. My mother nagged me about 6 months everyday mentioning “maybe you should go online and looks for jobs with all the time you have” or if I would say something like “I’m bored” she would respond back with “hmmm if you had a job you wouldn't be bored”. This caused me to later get grounded for two months. My mom got sick of giving warnings and followed through with an action. I didn’t want to lose my free time, my friends and my hobbies but I lost it all anyway so finally I convinced myself
The lead up to my birthday was spent with me constantly reminding my parents about my permit and almost always being shot down and told that I would not being getting it anytime soon. In my parent’s eyes, I was too much of a distraction while they drove, always showing them the latest picture on social media or changing the radio station constantly and not actually paying attention to their “useful” tips while on the road. “How was it my fault for showing them a funny picture or not listening to them?”
My parents are always leaving me at a stalemate. I’m involved in ASB activities and sports that demand most of my time. During the week, my mom is driving me back and forth to school several times a day. She also takes me to my practices and games every weekend. However, each ride is accompanied with complaints about how often I’m required to go to school for my extracurriculars. With a questioning glance, she asks, “Do you really need to go to practice today?” I then immediately retort, “Well duh. If you were listening, you would’ve realized that I’ve told you it’s mandatory a hundred damn times.” Or at least I wish I could say that. Instead, I respond with a lame “sorry for causing you trouble.” Times like these make me wonder why I was encouraged to get involved in extracurricular activities in the first place. Surely she must have realized that I’m not going to drive myself to these places? After all, I can’t even drive. Which is another thing that pisses me off. My parents constantly complain about giving rides to me, even though they know that it’s unavoidable. I’m nearly sixteen years old and I spend a lot of time outside and yet, that’s still not enough for them. I could have received my driver’s permit by now, but my parents claim that it’s unnecessary. Unnecessary my ass. Complaints and a reluctant tone tell me otherwise. These type of complaints make me reconsider starting a community service club. I want to benefit others, but it’s obviously not
When everything was in place in the so called “new” apartment, my dad brought up the fact that I needed to grow up. That heated the argument between keeping my jeopardized toys and donating them. This new point was added to my mom’s argument for donating my playthings. Throughout the week me and my parents had brief arguments about the subject. These miniature arguments added up to an intense argument which ended up by me screaming at my loving parents. For the first time in my life I managed to raise my voice at them, it made me feel like I won the argument, but at the same time it made me feel like I crossed the line. I later realized, that I infact crossed the line. The bright side of the whole entirety of the argument was that my parents never mentioned anything about my toys
It's been three weeks and I gave the drawings that I drew for John and Mary to them a while ago. They both flattered me with compliments on how much they loved it. Not only did that happened, but during this week John has been hanging around me with every chance he got.
I always enjoy getting to spend time with my family, but at the moment I wanted to spend every second with Cameron. When Cameron asked me if I wanted to go hunting with him, but first thought was yes. I always wanted to go hunting, and there was no one I'd rather go with then him. My mom had other plans though. I don't usually fight with my mom, but tonight was different. She told me it was my decision to stay or to go home. My mom didn't realize how excited I was to go hunting at the time. I realized my mistake, but there was no going back and changing it once I
Less than a week left of summer break and I realized that I really hadn't shared any summer adventures. So in short I got a job, traveled to Maryland and D.C., passed my first online summer class with an A, spent a short 20 days with my boyfriend before he left for Japan for two years, showed my horse (still have one more to go!).
On 2016/05/19 I had a court date in Virgina, I came back at 1400 and I had matters I had to take care of at a salvage yard in Rocky Point that I needed to be there for. I left because I was informed that I was on a personal leave day. When I received the phone call I turned around and headed back to Camp
It All Started In The Fall Of 2015 I Was Thirteen Years Old Living In Roseville. Earlier That Day I Had Asked My Step Mom Lisa If I Could Go To My Best Friend Nicole 's House To Go Do Homework And That Afterwards We Were Going To The Mall With My Other Friend Kylie. She Had Said Yes So After School Her Mom Jennifer Would Pick Us Up And I Would Go To Nicole 's House To Do Homework And Go To The Mall, But When I Had Asked Lisa If I Could Go To Nicole 's House I Had Left Out That Afterwards We Were Going To The Mall Because If I Asked She Would 've Said No Because She Doesn 't Really Like The Mall. While We Were Doing Homework We Had Invited Mine, Kylies And Nicole 's “Girl Friends” To Go To The Mall We Had Also Invited Some Guys That We