
Personal Narrative On Cheer Team Performance

Decent Essays

It was Opening Day at the Sears Centre and everyone on my cheer team was nervous. We went to the backstage to practice our routine, but nothing was hitting. Our stunts were falling, nobody could land there tumbling routines, and we all forgot where we were going. When we get off of the backstage and moved to the main mats, to perform our routine in front of everyone, everything went wrong. I never knew that things could go so wrong at a cheer competition.
After only 10 minutes, all of the Illinois cheer teams started piling up in the practice room backstage getting ready to perform. It was our teams turn to practice. The recording lady set a timer for 8 minutes, but for us 8 minutes was not enough. “Everyone load your basket tosses and practice …show more content…

It’s our turn to perform and everyone is going insane. “Girls, you can do this” Coach Angie said as we walked onto the main stage. Everyone lines up, single file and waits for the judges to announce us. Our hearts were beating anxiously as the announcer said “North Boone Vikings, you may take the floor.” As we started to perform our routine, I noticed that all of the stunts were hitting. “Thank gosh” I thought as I continue to walk to the dance part of our routine. I'm thinking in my head “5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2 GO!” Everybody starts to dance, but my biggest fear happened. My entire cheer squad stood looking at the judges like a deer in headlights. We forgot our routine! Moments go by, and the crowd awkwardly clapped as we stepped off the mat. “What did we just do” I thought to myself. Nobody even knew what to say because of how horrible we've done. I didn't think it was that big of a deal but when I tried talking to Emily, she was mad. She ignored everyone, wouldn't talk to people, and was just all around angry. A couple hours passed, and I was curious for what our score was. Our team gathered up and made our way to the main stage to hear what our award was. Our team huddled in a circle anxiously, nervous to find out our team's score. The announcer yelled number 14s team score, and we noticed that we were next. “Team number 15, your score issss” the announcer

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