
Personal Narrative: My Trigonometry Test

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"Oh, also, before the bell rings, class, I finally graded your trigonometry tests!" Mr. Rodriguez announces. "I'm sorry about the wait, I had the sophomores' midterms to grade as well as yours." Oh God. I chew on a hangnail nervously, hoping and praying for the best but expecting the worst. I glance at Katie, my best friend, who calmly awaits her score. She gives me an anxious smile. I give her one back. I don't know where I'd end up without her by my side. "Great work, Sam!" Mr Rodriguez tells me. 91%. I grin. I'm confident I beat Katie's score, which never happens. I skim my test, silently cursing myself for making ridiculously stupid mistakes. "How'd you do?" Katie demands. "Ninety-one!" I reply, smugly smirking at her, "You?" …show more content…

You know what? Screw it. I can't deal with seeing Katie again. I can't believe she'd betray me like this. I leave the school building, making a beeline for the parking lot. I spot a flashy red sports car that belongs to Ricky Pierce, a snooty rich kid who gave me a hard time in middle school. I hear him taunting me, laughing at me. I walk over, glancing at the tires, hoping Ricky's as stupid as I remember. Aha! He doesn't disappoint. I fish his keys out from under the right tire that probably costs more than my whole existence and scrape the sides of his car with them. Who's laughing now? I start the car and head for the hideous, tacky strip mall near the park, running over a stray straw hat in the process. I pretend it's Katie's head. If she hated me all along, she should've just told me so she could leave me without any drama. Why did she have to do something so sneaky and malicious? Anger pulsing through my veins, I park the car and run towards the old jewelry shop my mother used to shop at. Lucky me! It's closed for lunch, but not locked. I send a telepathic thank you to the forgetful old lady who works there as I enter and grab as many emeralds (my birth stone) as I can find. Katie always told me they complimented my eyes, even though we both know they look better on her. Then, I stop at CVS to grab some red spray paint and red paper. I leave the strip mall in Ricky's most prized possession (come to think of it, I …show more content…

Katie's house. God, I hate her. I hate her so much. I hope I destroy her life, just like she ruined mine. Why does everybody hate me? Why does everybody leave me? After hopping out of the car, I slash Lil' Ricky's tires with an old Swiss Army knife from my backpack that has a weirdly long blade. I grab the emergency key from under the bright yellow handprint-covered flowerpot next to her front door and enter the house, clothes, jewelry, paint and paper in my hand. In Katie's fluorescent pink bedroom, I observe my new clothes, trying to find the nicest thing I stole. I go with a short, sparkly black dress and put it on, admiring my reflection. I know I look good, but as usual, I bet Katie could wear it better. In the bathroom, I throw on some of her mother's high-end makeup and perfume. I grin at my reflection. I add my emeralds and her mother's forest green $4300 heels, feeling and looking more like myself than I ever have and ever will. I cackle, knowing how horrible Katie's going to

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