"Oh, also, before the bell rings, class, I finally graded your trigonometry tests!" Mr. Rodriguez announces. "I'm sorry about the wait, I had the sophomores' midterms to grade as well as yours." Oh God. I chew on a hangnail nervously, hoping and praying for the best but expecting the worst. I glance at Katie, my best friend, who calmly awaits her score. She gives me an anxious smile. I give her one back. I don't know where I'd end up without her by my side. "Great work, Sam!" Mr Rodriguez tells me. 91%. I grin. I'm confident I beat Katie's score, which never happens. I skim my test, silently cursing myself for making ridiculously stupid mistakes. "How'd you do?" Katie demands. "Ninety-one!" I reply, smugly smirking at her, "You?" …show more content…
You know what? Screw it. I can't deal with seeing Katie again. I can't believe she'd betray me like this. I leave the school building, making a beeline for the parking lot. I spot a flashy red sports car that belongs to Ricky Pierce, a snooty rich kid who gave me a hard time in middle school. I hear him taunting me, laughing at me. I walk over, glancing at the tires, hoping Ricky's as stupid as I remember. Aha! He doesn't disappoint. I fish his keys out from under the right tire that probably costs more than my whole existence and scrape the sides of his car with them. Who's laughing now? I start the car and head for the hideous, tacky strip mall near the park, running over a stray straw hat in the process. I pretend it's Katie's head. If she hated me all along, she should've just told me so she could leave me without any drama. Why did she have to do something so sneaky and malicious? Anger pulsing through my veins, I park the car and run towards the old jewelry shop my mother used to shop at. Lucky me! It's closed for lunch, but not locked. I send a telepathic thank you to the forgetful old lady who works there as I enter and grab as many emeralds (my birth stone) as I can find. Katie always told me they complimented my eyes, even though we both know they look better on her. Then, I stop at CVS to grab some red spray paint and red paper. I leave the strip mall in Ricky's most prized possession (come to think of it, I …show more content…
Katie's house. God, I hate her. I hate her so much. I hope I destroy her life, just like she ruined mine. Why does everybody hate me? Why does everybody leave me? After hopping out of the car, I slash Lil' Ricky's tires with an old Swiss Army knife from my backpack that has a weirdly long blade. I grab the emergency key from under the bright yellow handprint-covered flowerpot next to her front door and enter the house, clothes, jewelry, paint and paper in my hand. In Katie's fluorescent pink bedroom, I observe my new clothes, trying to find the nicest thing I stole. I go with a short, sparkly black dress and put it on, admiring my reflection. I know I look good, but as usual, I bet Katie could wear it better. In the bathroom, I throw on some of her mother's high-end makeup and perfume. I grin at my reflection. I add my emeralds and her mother's forest green $4300 heels, feeling and looking more like myself than I ever have and ever will. I cackle, knowing how horrible Katie's going to
Katie, the main character of the story, is a twenty-two year old Amish woman who lives near Lancaster County, in Hickory Hollow. Her love, Dan Fisher died four years ago. Katie is engaged to widowed Bishop John with four kids: Nancy, Hickory John, Levi, and Jacob. She feels like she is not good enough to marry such a man of authority when something inside pulls for worldly things.
When Katie knew about that, she became so frustrated about Amber leaving Lynn without asking her what’s wrong. When Katie saw Amber she was really
The owner of the car, a greasy booted character, does not find this childish prank funny. He comes out of the car, with fists flying, feet kicking. He is not about to let these guys get away with this so-called harmless prank. This guy is bad; he takes on all three of the friends, and thoroughly beats them up. Even after this, they still think they are bad. “[He] [goes] for the tire iron under the car seat.” (114) The narrator still holds onto the idea he is bad, “[He] [keeps] it there because bad characters always keep
Ingrid stops by Cracked-up Katie’s house then forgets her favorite soccer cleats there. (This caused Ingrid to be involved in the situation of Cracked-up Katie’s murder) Later, Ingrid reads in the paper that this Cracked-up Katie was murdered mysteriously. Ingrid is curious about this event and is determined to solve the confusing investigation, acting like her idol, Sherlock Holmes.
Today we are leaving Concord New hampshire. We are very upset because we loved our visit. We were packing up to leave. We walked down to go eat some breakfast. I got toast. After breakfast we went up stairs to get are stuff to leave. When we hopped in the car we looked out the window of the car.
Lily did very well in this section, her standard score for Applied Problems was a 100. Her grade equivalent score was 9.8, and her age equivalent score was 15.4. This showed she is right on track in understand problems and solving them. On the Math Fluency subtest, Lily scored in the above average range. Lily’s standard score was 109, her age equivalent score was greater than 25, and her grade equivalent score was 13.0. Lily had three minutes to complete as many basic addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems as possible. Lily was able to accurately answer 122 problems out of the 125 she completed. Lily’s score suggests that she does not struggle with the accuracy or automaticity of recalling basic math facts. Lily’s average Broad Math scores show that math is most definitely a strength for her academically. While completing the math subtests Lily was very eager and excited to answer the problems. Her strength comes from being strong on all three subtests: Math Fluency, Applied Problems, and
According to spoiler reports, Liam has made up his mind to break the bad news to Katie. After torturing himself for keeping the affair secret from her despite promising her that he would watch out for her, he is now convinced to unburden his heart and it looks like things are going to turn topsy-turvy in Katie’s life.
A young woman flees her house after being shown in possession of a bloody knife. She is shown moments later buying a bus ticket, her hair now cropped and bleached, and stops at a small North Carolina town called Southport. At the general store, she introduces herself as Katie. After acquiring a job as a waitress and buying a small house on the edge of town, Katie becomes friends with her neighbor, Jo and meets handsome Alex Wheatley,the manager of a local convenience store, and his two children, Lexie and Josh. Alex's wife tragically died of cancer a few years prior.
Feeling sick and tired again, nothing new same ole me. But FSA is coming up again and this year means a lot. I have to get at least a three or back into a reading intensive class for me.
After seven hours of school and two and a half hours of soccer, I could feel the heaviness of my eyes as I was reading the last words on the page of my book, “It’s what you have always wanted to accomplish. Everyone, when they are young, knows what their Personal Legend is.” (The Alchemist 21) After I finished, I didn’t think much else about it, except for the fact that I had a quiz tomorrow. Consequently, this quiz was the first grade we would get for the school year, and I had to start out with a good grade point average. Grades to me are like an engine to a car - essential to being successful.
I liked Trig already, today they were having a test—which I was exempt from. Everybody's only thought was about the test so for almost the entire class period I got a break from my migraine. Before the class was over, the teacher—Mr. Ericson—called me to his desk. He gave me a homework assignment from the last chapter, but wasn't going to make me do anymore makeup work including the test.
When I saw your post about My Chart it brought to mind my husband’s recent encounter with this program which was sent to him by his new doctor. At first he did not want to download the application but I explained to him and assure him it would be ok to download it because this was how his doctor would communicate with him. I down loaded the app for him and set it up for him to access with his password, user id, and a pin number which provides extra security eventually he did start to feel a little more comfortable
Kat’s changing role in 10 Things I Hate About You embodies the shift in cultural and social expectations of a 21st century female. Kat’s independence and autonomous is a result of movements such as 3rd Wave feminism and the Riot Grrrl movement which were prevalent during the 90s, and the consequent social expectation for a character with self-importance, confidence and assertiveness. Kat expresses to Patrick
I pull my blond curly hair back into a messy bun. I quietly walk down the stairs passed Birdy’s room. I’ll be back before she wakes. As I walk pass, I see that she is not there. That means she either went home with somebody or she is passed out on the couch. 5 bucks she is on the couch. I think to myself. As I quietly walk pass the living room I see I have won my own gamble. Birdy lays there snoring under a brown blanket. Her black hair is all over her face and her make up from last night is smudged in a way that makes her look like a run down beauty queen.
I walk into the room, graphing calculator in one hand and pencil in the other. The proctor distributes the tests, and says