Out of an above-average university, I expect, practically, the world, because my parents, friends and family have all brainwashed me into believing that college is this concoction made of people, money and life lessons. From my highest expectation; state of the art education—I mean education at it's finest. I'm not being sarcastic when I say that, either. It's college, therefore what I learn here has to be better than all fourteen years of grade school put together, right? From my lowest expectation; high-rate loans. I hear loans are deadly if it leaves too much debt behind, so consequently I'm working to gain a plethora of scholarships. I expect a wide range of diversity—some flavor if you will—because it's nice to see other cultures come
Walking away from everything you once knew and starting over is never a picnic. Leaving Iraq, and moving to America has impacted my life more than anything. I was only 4 years old at that time, and the only English I spoke was “excuse me, water please.” My family and I did not know it then, but our lives were going to change; we would become “Americanized”. Learning English was one of the massive changes that occurred, the way I dressed (culture), and even the way I had power to go to school and educate myself.
During my two last years of high school, i've been in contact with a lot of colleges and universities. Many of which don’t get my attention. Throughout my whole high school years, there was only one college that i wanted to go to, Liberty University. I have heard so many wonderful things about Liberty and what i loved the most was that it was a christian school. Liberty had the number one thing that i am looking for in a college, that is a christian school, but many of my other things that i look for in a college where just not there. I used to live in Florida approximately 11 years ago and let me tell you, it's hard not to miss the sunshine state. Liberty is in Virginia, a state where it doesn't feel like home. When i received a brochure
We all have little quirks that make us unique. These quirks can be funny, serious, a combination of both, or not any of that. Therefore, when it comes to letting others know about me I can be hesitant as some people already know. All I want is to be able to be me not have to fit in with the crowd. So, if I stand out, more than likely I am not very comfortable with things going on around me. This paper is going to let you know a little more about me as well as including three personal learning goals for this class and one goal to accomplish during the next eight weeks or so.
Last summer I wanted to work and earn a little cash and distract myself and not be home all summer. I didn't know where to apply so I applied everywhere I was even open to working in the fields my parents told me that the fields were the last place they ever wanted me to work. My mom and step dad Raul always told me that field work wasn't easy and that it was not for me but I didn't listen.
When I first think of education making an impact on my life, my immediately goes to the teacher that inspired me to pursue the field of education: Mr. Quesenberry. The truth is, I never expected to enjoy his 8th grade Civics class. Though I had many wonderful social studies teachers before 8th grade, each year history was always one of my least favorite subjects, and I expected Civics to be the same. Before I took his class, I thought that the government was just a bunch of old rich guys who made laws and ran the country, and I didn’t have the slightest idea about the many complicated issues that the United States was facing or about what I could do to get involved and fight for my values.
Imagine falling of a chair. Not that bad right? Now, imagine falling of a chair in front of the whole cafeteria. Funny? Yes. Painful? Definitely. So embarrassing that you hid in your teacher’s classroom for the remaining time of the school day? Sounds like me! After many years of mental preparation, physiological therapy, and complete avoidance of using chairs in front of others, I was finally able to overcome my tragedy. Like every other day, I ardently waited for lunch time to arrive. As soon as the bell rang, I ran to the cafeteria. I sat, I ate, and just when I was about to throw my food away…
only time we will discuss is yours, and the only applause will go to you. Many self-help books bring in other people, but I call that baggage. If it’s not your personal baggage, then it’s too much luggage.
1. The 2nd case study made me reflect on my first head coaching job in football. I was hired by a school in south Texas with the help of a friend I coached with in Oklahoma. He had moved back to his hometown and started teaching and coaching at his high school. He contacted me about the opening and two months later I was hired. I hired him to be one of my assistants and even made sure that he was paid well as a thank you. I was very disappointed with the way he coached that year. I had already make arrangements to move him to a non-coaching position for the next season. I realize I never spoke with him about my expectations or made him aware of how I felt during the season. I identity with Dr. Skinner is some regards. I was caught up in the other aspects of teaching, coaching, and AD duties, I neglected to take care of that issue. I understand that it is OK to hire a trusted colleague or friend but the expectations of them should not be any different of anyone else.
I have been attending the Key for three years now, and these past three years have been the highlight of my life. In addition, if I didn’t attend this school, my whole life would have unraveled in a negative way. The Key School is a sanctuary for dyslexics; the faculty here teach strategies so you can comprehend practically anything. The Key is a great place for making new friends and discovering unseen talents. My first year attending the Key was in fifth grade; it was extremely difficult to adjust to the Key School environment. My second year in sixth grade was a great year for transitioning to middle school with its complex environment. Finally, this year, seventh grade, is without doubt the best year of them all. In conclusion, the Key School is an amazing place to learn new material, and the Key is the determinator how successful I’m in life.
Growing up, I’ve been told the same line over and over again, “Make sure whatever you grow up to be, you will love.” With this advice, I began my life journey of finding out what I wanted to be. This advice haunted my life for multiple year as I struggle to find what my life would become. This constant struggle had myself worrying that I wouldn’t find anything I would love. Eventually, my final decision was made. This is to become a special Elementary Elementary Teacher. Entering the field of education, not only seems what's right, it also seems like I could change the generation of children.
Throughout my whole life, I have struggled with finding the correct mindset because of my learning disability.Before I was placed in the Individual Education Program, I found everything confusing. Since elementary school, I’ve been placed in an Individual Education Program because of my inability to comprehend and grasp the things being taught to me in class. Being placed in this class helped a lot because it assisted me with my homework and also gave me accomodations for everything I did such as class notes or accommodations for tests. This class did not only help me academically but it also helped me grow more as a person and develop a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset. According to Carol Dweck's article,“Brainology: Transforming
Academy, I have always been significantly behind everyone else. I never really cared until I got to junior high. I was sitting in my math class and my teacher, Mr.Catanese, puts on a coat, a pair of sunglasses, and a Katy Perry song on. I was confused and intrigued, so I paid attention to a grown man singing as if he was a teenage girl. After his song, he got on with the lesson and told us to call him Mr.Cat. I knew what he was teaching, but I just couldn’t care less so I acted like I was paying attention, but truly I was daydreaming about a girl I met earlier That week. I was called on to answer a question on the board. I panicked and quickly looked at the equation. I knew the answer but didn’t answer out of fear or disrespect.
Have you ever got the feeling like your life starts from here. When I enter these doors, a new beginning and fresh start. This feeling happened to me in the end of sophomore year. I thought freshmen year was my start though, a new start from a game I’ve been losing since 6th grade. School years have always felt like a videogame to me. My game was always paused in Summer and unpaused by September. Back to the crappy spot I saved in last year. Freshmen year a new school, new amigos, my chance to be in graphic arts. Unfortunately, I didn’t get many friends( I literally don’t talk to a single person I did freshmen year ) , and i didn’t do graphics by the end of the year because of a quick decision to pick Communications. It all started with my
English 101 was a challenging course. A constant stream of reading and writing lead to a demanding yet rewarding semester. The variety of texts read and written about provided a plethora of life lessons and demonstrations of values. Now at the end of the course I find myself a better student and writer. The texts themselves were not influential to my growth as a critical reader or college student. Rather, it was my own analysis of the texts that allowed me to consider other perspectives on technology use in the classroom and the importance of revision when it comes to school work.
In my three years of being here I’ve learned so much. Managing time is key. In the beginning I was pretty good at it but as I got better I’ve learned how to better my time. Really in my opinion you can’t teach someone maybe to some extent you can but not really. It has to do with experience with time management you need to fail once or twice before understanding the importance and how much it really does help. In life I’ve always had an easy time with managing my time so this wasn’t much of an issue with me. My career goals have been magnified since being here, realizing that what I want to do in life might actually be my reality. In this day and age not many people can say that. Through the Ferris classes I took here I was able to save fifteen thousand