
Personal Narrative: My Sport

Satisfactory Essays

Lacrosse. My sport. My passion. My game. It isn’t 10 people on a field it is 10 people who are engaged in the game. It isn’t people just wearing helmets and padding it is people who show their passion for the game. My belief is lacrosse.
When I play lacrosse I sense something I don’t really feel in other sports. I feel refreshed and calm. When I am in the game I get directed on the field and nothing can stop me from getting unfocused. When I'm on the field I’m ready for anything when the ball comes one my side I'm ready. I recall when I first scored I was waiting by the goal and someone passed it, right when I felt the hard rubber ball go in the net I shot the ball in right away. Next, every time I play, my teammates are great and they believe

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