
Personal Narrative: My Senior Year Of Basketball

Decent Essays

Do you have a favorite memory that you will always cherish? Well, I do. Mine is my Senior year of basketball season. The whole season taught me so much about life on and off the court. Trust me the season had its up’s and down’s, we had some very good games and some very bad games. But we bounced back.
We opened our season at the Vienna Classic tournament. Our first game was a good game for us and an easy twenty point win against Galatia. The tournament lasted all week long. The second day of the tourney we faced Cobden, which turned out with another twenty point win. The third game was against the Vienna eagles. The game was close throughout. We were up by two when one of our players scored for the other team to tie the game up. We ending up going into overtime and losing by four. …show more content…

It was time to get into the GEC tournament. Our first game was against NCOE. There playing style was different from ours, they like to run up and down the floor and shoot fast. Our playing style was to slow it down and run plays. Both teams had a disadvantage. We played a hard fought game and end up losing. Going into the second game we knew we were gonna win. We end up winning and going into the championship game. The championship game was Carrier Mills vs Hardin County. We Won the game and got the trophy. After that we kept winning and the season was looking great.
Through the whole season, We played amazingly. We finished undefeated at home and it was a great accomplishment. Once regionals time started, we knew we had to win. First game at regionals was against Pope County. We won that game and advanced in the next game. We were facing Galatian County, They were a good team, but we've beaten them before. The game was close all through the game. The final score was thirty-four to thirty Galatian. We finished our season that night. It was a very special season i'll never

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