One of the hardest academic challenges I had faced was during my Peace Corps services as a TEFL instructor at Sichuan Tourism University. After working with the students for over a year, I had realized there was a huge gap in their understanding of human reproduction. In China, especially rural China, there is an extremely sensitive and embarrassing subject for parents, friends, and teachers to educate others on. I was growing concern about how little my students understood this topic, as I had gone with three of my students during my time of services to abortion clinics (which are located everywhere as they are very common thing in China). I had decided that many of students would benefit from a few classes on sexual intercourse that would
Samuelson, K., DVM. (n.d.). Medical Nursing for Veterinary Technicians. Retrieved April 14, 2016, from •
With every organization comes a degree of change. The Marine Corps is no different. With a rapidly changing world, we must strive to sustain the transformation and remain true to our ethos. Across the Marine Corps the culture of each unit is different, with sustaining the transformation as our tool we can make each unit better for new generations of Marines. Marine Raider Training Center sustains the transformation by holding quarterly promotion panels to ensure deserving promotions; however it fails to sustain the transformation by not welcoming new Marines to the unit appropriately, I will build a Welcome Aboard package to sustain the transformation for my Marines.
In early July, 2014 I had just graduated high school. I decided I wanted to do something spontaneous and to help people. That late may I had gone to a career fair where I obtained an informational packet for AmeriCorps. I didn’t give the packet much thought other than a passing interest. When I graduated I remembered the packet and decided why not. The most important day of my life was the day I officially joined AmeriCorps.
Growing up in Iraq, I endured my homeland’s journey through a difficult period in its history. No one was unaffected: civilians’ lives were disrupted by years of wars and detrimental economic sanctions, but amid the destruction, I saw the good in my community. I witnessed a massive humanitarian effort led by healthcare professionals, as physicians worked to meet the medical needs in my town. My dreams were shaped by this exposure, and ever since, I’ve hoped to join these doctors in their efforts.
The President of the United States is the most powerful wo/man in the world. There are few limits to what s/he can do. The Constitution created the institution of the presidency in 1789, power of the president has gradually grown from what was first envisioned. The presidential powers were set up to be limited by separation of powers into three branches of government, by the checks and balances scribed in the constitution, by federal systems, political parties and the media. The president is elected for a four-year term in office, maximum of eight years. Framers of the Articles of Confederation felt that liberty could only be enjoyed with checks set up by an executive branch of government. The
I interviewed my grandma, Diane Thompson, about what the American Dream was for her in her 20’s in the 1970’s. In 1970 she was 21 and in 1979 she was 30. Diane was a young female adult.
“Fire, bullets, death” that’s everything I saw when I was in Afghanistan. I open my eyes, i’m at work again, but, everytime I close my eyes I see all the tragedies that happen over there. Before war everyone use to tell me, “Jeff don’t be too shy” or if not “Jeff you are so loveable and friendly with everyone.” Brandon Wallace was my best friend since childhood, he even went to war with me. Then there's, my lovely wife, Nicole Sebastian, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever met. I was in my senior year in high school when army men came to my school and ask for recruiters for war. At that moment I asked myself, “what am I going to do after high school? Am I going to survive in war? Should I enter myself in this situation?” After all, I out my name down, my heart was pounding, my breath was hard, I knew there wasn’t no turning back. When I got home
I miss my dad. He was so valiant to defend our country in the Vietnam war. Unfortunately, he was the only one who kept me company, since my mom was always working. Recently, a family moved in down the street. We decided to pay them a friendly visit. My mom, being the sweet woman she was, had time to make cookies and bring them to our new neighbors. The lady who answered the door was named Mrs.Kwon. She had escaped with her daughter from the violence and terror in Vietnam. Mrs.Kwon invited us in. I noticed a girl about my age, with coffee colored hair, and a lilting voice.
With no vision or plan to enter the civilian life and no idea what to do with my life, I still had severe scars of the year in Iraq. There wasn’t a priority or a drive, but however, I did have some responsibility I had a wife and three children. In a desperate move, I attempted to return to the State where I was born as I think about it this may have been some comfort zone. I would send my two new children back home to their state while I attempted to land a job. My first interview would be in Cincinnati as a Retail Manager in a large company. Confident that I had some stability, I couldn’t avoid the heavy drinking or my violent outbursts I would eventually succumb to leaving my wife and two children to find myself in this lost world, which later I regretted. My focus was to leave everything behind and start a new life this would
I joined the Marine Corps looking for a challenge. I wanted to open doors for a new career and longed to have a positive impact on the world around me. Looking back five years later, I realize I found all that I originally sought, but I’ve also found something profoundly satisfying and meaningful that I never knew I was missing.
The City of Corinth was a thriving city during the time both commercially and politically as the chief city Greece. This city was the crossroads for travelers and traders. But, the city of Corinth had your typical Greek culture which was interested on Greek philosophy and high on wisdom. At the time, the city of Corinth religion base was Jews and Gentiles until Paul arrives and converted to the Christian faith. The City of Corinth had many advantages of becoming a prosperous merchant city.
If there was anything more terrifying to a shy, introverted, teenage girl than the idea of being a in crowded room full of strangers, it would to be actually in one. Yet, there I was, surrounded by a numerous amount of impatient, jet-black cars that illuminated the dark streets, rows of musicians rehearsing their piece by playing a dissonance of sounds, and the expectant, motley crowd of people lining up on the sidewalk for the veteran’s parade.
Often, sexual education can go against an individual's moral or religious beliefs. Many schools do not teach abstinence only but teach safe sex, whereas many religious groups and families do not value intercourse before marriage. Teachers may input their own beliefs or morals into the subject matter rather than stick with the facts if they are not properly trained on how to conduct a sex education course. Sex education classes are briefly focused on during a health class or physical education. This is not a long enough period to educate students on such serious material. These arguments does not take into account the fact that students will be taught on subjects such as, sexually transmitted diseases, the reproductive system, sexually and birthing issues rather than the stuff they learn through peers, television or the internet. Many of the myths learned by students about sex swill also are discussed, such as not being able to get pregnant the first time. Classes for those of a younger group are separated by gender, saving embarrassment amongst students and teachers. Teaching sex education can have a major impact on preventing unplanned pregnancy and other sexual problems in adulthood.
After the war was over the family left the internment camp and came home and everything changed. “When we came back after the war it was fall and the house was still ours. The trees on the streets were taller than we remembered, and the cars more run down, and the rosebush our mother had once planted alongside the narrow gravel path they led up to the front steps of our house was no longer there” (Otsuka 106). This describes how during the years they were gone the entire street changed. When the family entered the house it smelled really bad. “We did not care. The paint was peeling away from the walls and the window frames were black with rot. Shreds of lace curtain dangled in front of the soot-covered panes and the floor was littered with
In addition, another thing students need to be educated on is a teenage pregnancy. There are so many young mothers and fathers who have no idea what they have gotten themselves into. When kids become sexually active they don’t think about the negative results of their actions, they just live in the moment. If students are educated about the burden of carrying and taking care of a child they may think twice about having sex. One way to show children how hard it is to raise a child as a teenager, is to bring teenage parents in to attest to the fact that parenting a child as a teen is not easy. They can tell them about the excruciating pain they went through and how difficult and sacrificial having a child is. Many teenage parents have no social life and are forced to grow up quickly because they have to bear the responsibility of taking care of a child. If students have knowledge about these things they are less likely to repeat other people’s mistakes.