
Personal Narrative: My Mother's Roller Coaster Ride

Decent Essays

“Have fun, girls!” yells Dad. “Love you, bye!” Emily and I yelled back to him.
My mom started her silver Honda van. We were excited to go to Six Flags together. Once we were on the road the music was being blasted. If there was one thing everyone knew about me, my mom and sister, it would be that we all love music. “The sign says we’re two miles away!” Mom tells us. Emily, my youngest sister of seven siblings, was bucked into her booster seat singing along to what was on the radio. The music started to get quieter, then I saw my mom’s hand on the volume button. “What rides do you guys want to go on first?” asked my mom. “I’m going to ride the biggest rollercoaster there,” shouted Emily. “I’m pretty sure there’s a height requirement for some rides, Em,” …show more content…

“I’ll beat you to the door!” I screamed behind me to Emily.
“No you’re not!” Emily yelled, running her fastest.
We waited at the door for our mother, we knew better. Once she approached us we turned around and took a look around the gift shop. I didn’t have a clue as to what I wanted to get.
I saw Emily walking towards all of the girly, princess isles. I’ve never really been a girly girl but pink has always been my favorite color.
Emily picked out a pink princess crown. I was jealous of the crown she picked but didn’t like it enough to get one for myself.
My mom bought herself a new coffee mug that said:
“I went to Six Flags!”
I thought it was pretty cute. My mom has been drinking coffee since she was born. It’s almost the only thing she drinks other than pop.
I took longer to pick out my souvenir then them so my mom started rushing me.
“Hurry up, the line is getting longer every second” Mom said angrily.
After looking at everything in the store I finally chose a t-shirt that was such a bright shade of pink, it could blind someone. I loved it

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