
Personal Narrative: My Mission Trip To Haiti

Decent Essays

Imagine that you are a superstar walking down the red carpet having all your fans screaming for you and asking for an autograph, that's how it felt walking out of the airport in Haiti but not exactly in the way you think. This is where my journey began. May 2015 was a time that will forever change my life. I took a mission trip to Haiti with a group called the ACTS team. With everyday trials and tribulations what seemed tragic in my perspective was minor compared to what I saw people experiencing in this foreign country. I started this journey thinking that this would give me a new perspective on what life holds, as well as, minister and assist those in need. I had never been on a plane before and getting to sit on the window seat and seeing all the pretty lights was by far the coolest thing ever. We were only on the plane for four hours, so it didn’t last long. Once we finally got to the Haiti airport and walked outside, herds of people started rushing towards us. At first I was very scared because our team leaders, Ryan and Karla, told us to hold onto our bags very tightly and make sure they are not out of our sights. The Haitians had a crazy idea that if they take our bags and put them in our car we were taking, we would give them cash in return because they think Americans are very …show more content…

Hundreds of children came from all over so excited to play and ready to get involved. We had brought lots of games to play from the United States before we came so we had lots of new things for everyone to try. The things we brought were; soccer balls, big sacks to play sack races, we taught them how to play frogger, and lots more. Most of the older children played soccer and the younger children stayed with the adults and had sack races. All these kids had so much fun and at the end, they received water and a snack from our missions group that was certainly

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