
Personal Narrative: My Interview With Cuyler

Satisfactory Essays

The family I interviewed has a son named Cuyler that is 22 years old. I talked to Cuyler’s mom Cathie. He is the oldest of three kids. Cuyler was born at 24 weeks’ gestation and had a grade 3 brain bleed. Because of being born premature and the bleeding in his brain it led to some of the disabilities Cuyler has. His mom told me that Cuyler has spastic quadriplegia. His disabilities include cerebral palsy, blindness, and he is nonverbal. She also told me that Cuyler also has seizures at least once a month, is hypotonic, and is fed by a g-tube. As far as physical movement the only gross motor skills that Cuyler can do is roll over. I wanted to make sure that I asked Cuyler’s mom a positive question about how Cuyler and how his disabilities have affected their family. I asked “What strengths have developed in your family because of Cuyler’s disabilities?” She said that because of his disabilities they have developed trust and learned how to depend on one another. Since Cuyler cannot leave the house at least one of his parents needs to be around the house. She also said that as their other children have become older they …show more content…

She said that they first felt a sense of helplessness because there was nothing that they or the doctors could do to “fix” Cuyler and his disabilities. She also mentioned a time of grief over what could/should have been. She mentioned that it was tough to let go of the expectations of Cuyler developing normally. She talked about how she spent time with God after Cuyler was diagnosed with his severe disabilities. Cathie mentioned that she received peace, grace and confidence. More importantly she said that she has never needed to ask for those things anymore. This is another answer that I found to be encouraging. Even though Cathie and her husband felt helpless when they found out about Cuyler’s disabilities God has fulfilled their

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