
Personal Narrative: My Grandpa's Cabin

Decent Essays

“Are you ok?” I remember my mom asking me after the crash. I was at my grandpa’s cabin, and it was Halloween. No one in there right mind would’ve ever guessed that what happened that day would’ve ever happened to me. It was me and the rest of my family. Every Halloween we go to my grandpa’s cabin to ride four wheelers, but when I was riding my four wheeler, It went terribly wrong. I usually didn’t have a problem with four wheelers. For one thing, I had always wore a helmet, I had never crashed before, and I never thought I would. Suddenly, I find myself driving towards the trees. I lost control of my four wheeler and was about to crash. “Stop, you’re out of control!” I thought to myself, but I was so stunned, I couldn’t even move one muscle

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