
Personal Narrative: My First Voluntairy Shift

Decent Essays

In my eighteen years of life of this planet—soon to be nineteen—I had only Shifted once on purpose. The first time was when I was ten—three years after I had settled into the body I had now—and my oldest brother, Adrian, had just been shipped off to fight in Arden. It was the same war my father had died in only months before hand, so our family had been a tad bit uneasy about his departure. I suppose that was when I started getting into the stealing business. Although, admittedly, at nine I wasn’t exactly thief extaordinaire. Pick pocketing wasn’t my forte and I wasn’t big or intimidating enough to drag people into alley ways to ‘rough them up a bit.’ The latter bit, of course, was fixed by my first ever voluntairy Shift. I turned into someone else. Someone bigger and stronger and tougher than any ten year old could ever be. Wesley Caton,—call him anying but Cato, of course, and you get punched in the face—the …show more content…

I ended up going home with a broken nose, a fractured left wrist, bruised ribs, two black eyes, a blood soaked shirt, and urine stained pants. Not my best moment, exactly, but it was how I ended up in Electric Five. I don’t think I will ever forget what Cato said to me when I was still lying on the ground in the alley way, my entire body throbbing in pain.
“Now, you’re about the insanest shape-shifter I’ve ever seen, but I’ve got this friend who seems to like people like you—insane people, I mean—but anyways, he’s startin’ this little club, the Electric Five or whatever, and he’s already got three people recruted, ya know? But that only makes four, and for some insane reason he’s gotta have it be Electric Five. Underworld forbid it be called Electric Four, but like I said—” he looked down at me then, kicking me in the side. “You listenin’?”
He hadn’t bothered with an answer at the time, just continued on his ‘little recruiting speech’ as he called it

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