
Personal Narrative-My First Soccer Player

Decent Essays

It is eight in the morning and today is the final soccer game of the season. The season coming to an end is a bittersweet feeling. The game starts at nine, but coach wanted us there early to warm up before the game. We are taking a bus to the field. Everyone is in the zone, so the bus is completely silent. On our way to the game I am listening to music trying to get my mind in the right place. We were going to go against the best team in the state. To some people it is just a game, but to my team and I this is the modern day World War 2.

As we approach the field that’s when the whispers start from the team. The bus comes to a screeching halt. We walk off the bus still in silence. As we walk towards the field, we see the other team. They were bigger than us, stronger than us, their team had more players than what we had, but that didn’t matter to me. We take 15 minutes to warm up before the game making sure get our blood flowing and getting rid of any nerves that we had. The sunny summer sky, …show more content…

The paramedic asks me if I’m alright, asking me how many fingers he is holding up. I respond to every question to the best of my abilities. As I stand the crowd start to clap and coach walks off the field and makes me sit on the bench with an ice pack on my mouth. Once everything is taken care of, the game continues.

I am sitting on the bench, anxious wanting to go back in the game. The score was 3-2, we were winning, but the game was close. Fourth quarter comes fast and I’m ready to be put back in the game. Rage is going through my body as I want revenge for what was done to me. My blood starts to boil as the other team scores tying the game 3-3. I go to my coach begging for him to put me back in the game. At first he hesitates to put me back in the game, but after a few minutes of thinking he puts me back in the game, taking a player out. I go back to my defensive position and the game

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