
Personal Narrative: My First Generation Bengali-American Woman

Decent Essays

I identify as a first generation Bengali-American woman. Although I have a lot of pride about my cultural background, the same background exposed me to a multitude of negative messages regarding gender. One of the first messages I learned due to my culture is that women only have two choices in life; they must either get married or become a nun. Because arranged marriage is common in Bengali culture, my elderly relatives often asked me when I wanted to get married and to whom I wanted to get married to. When I said “I’m not sure if I want to get married,” these relatives assumed that if I did not want to have a husband, then I must devote my life to God and become a nun. As I grew up, an increasing number of people continued asking me questions …show more content…

When my parents first moved to the United States, my mother was a homemaker, while my father worked as a bartender. However, once my brothers were born, it was necessary for my mother to work also in order for my family to survive. Although my mother was working in order to help her family, my grandma and elderly aunts constantly said she was a bad mother for leaving her kids alone for many hours. Because I constantly heard other women criticize my mother, I developed a bias that a woman was a bad mother if she did not stay home with her children. Another bias I developed due to my experiences in the past is the idea that girls are not good at playing sports. When I was a young girl, my brothers were allowed to play sports, skateboard, and ride bicycles, but I was told that girls are not allowed to do these same activities. In addition to this, in elementary school, boys and girls were often split into two groups during gym class. The boys would learn how to play games such as soccer, basketball, and football. In contrast, girls were taught how to play hopscotch, jump rope, and juggle. Because of these experiences, I believed that girls were not allowed to play sports because they simply were not good at them, and only boys could play

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