
Personal Narrative: My First Bleacher

Decent Essays

We start with the stretches. The seniors move to the middle in order for the younger volleyball prospects to see the exercises clearly. To teach them about Union’s school spirit early on, we chant U-N-I-O-N twice for every exercise. Then we lace up and hit the track. Run a lap, get low, run a lap, high knees, run a lap, butt kicks, run a lap, karaoke, then sprint for the finish. After our brief water break, we head up to the bleachers and a sense of dread fills the group of one hundred and fifty girls. “How many will they make us run today?” we ask each other. Three, four, five? It always fluctuates, so it is good to guess. As usual, the seniors start up the bleachers first and we shout out our names as we step a single foot on the first bleacher. By the end of the first round of bleaches, I am sweating profusely in the unforgiving August heat and praying for mercy. I look in the faces of other prospectivevolleyball players and share a look of exhaustion, while the sweat drips off my forehead and down my back. After the bleacher exercises are finished, we head into the gym and start tryouts. That is how it has been for the last …show more content…

The same thing repeats itself for the rest of tryouts, approximately two weeks. Then, we have regular practices and drop all the endurance exercises. A sense of family overtakes the entire team and Coach Vega lays down the rules. Like the tryouts, his rules do not change. No smoking, no trouble, and carry yourself like a leader. In his eyes, the captain is not the leader of the team, the team leads itself. In this way, he expects everyone to carry themselves as if they were the sole leader of the team. No one wants their team to look bad, so everyone acted as though they were the team’s keeper and together, we made the team the best it could have

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