
Personal Narrative: My Experience In Football

Decent Essays

The parched summer of my sophomore year really isn't something I want to experience again. During this summer my schedule was strictly football and when you mix football practices, weightlifting and two-a-days along with scorching hot days, it really takes a toll on your body. Everyday during practices I felt as if oceans of sweat were pouring out of me as we ran in full pads up the hill which felt as if we were running directly vertical toward the sun. It wasn't just the running that took a toll on my teammates and I, it also had to do with the countless number of drills and scrimmages which equally took the lives right out of us. The only time of practices my teammates and I looked forward to was the end. There was always kids rushing across the field with the remaining energy they had left and heading right for the semi air conditioned school where it could provide us some sort of cool air. The only way we could describe ourselves when we would sprint across the field is like a kid just entering a candy store and rushing over to grab his or hers favorite candy. Once the very crammed summer jam packed full of practices, weightlifting and two-a-days were over I knew that I had become better as a football player and knew all the hard work I put in during the running, drills and practices were paying off. A couple years earlier I made a …show more content…

Throughout my journey of up and downs of football I came across a lot of obstacles I thought I couldn't do but ultimately finished them and that made me a better person. Whenever I think something is impossible or I think I can't do something i look back to this situation and know that i'm not very skilled at football but through hard work and dedication I achieved my goal of being of one the eleven starters at our opening game sophomore

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