
Personal Narrative: My Experience At The George Washington Bridge

Decent Essays

My palms start to sweat, my heart races, and my legs shake as I fantasize which keychain I will pick on the other side of the George Washington Bridge. My mind runs wild in an attempt to figure out what it will look like, how many there will be, or if I will be able to settle on just one. This desire is nothing unnatural. On quite the contrary, this feeling has always been innate. Wherever I go, whether it be on family vacations or college visits, I always ponder on which keychain will be able to accurately encompass the shapes, sights, sounds, and even the emotions of my experience. Walking into the gift shop has always been like a rollercoaster. I casually walk into the store only to rush past the large T-shirts, plush stuffed animals, and …show more content…

My line of sight is one that sees “outside the box.” The natives living on the island Kaho’olawe located off the coast of Maui, Hawaii are often considered dangerous and uncollaborative; however, the dignified qualities of their colorful culture and spirited rituals were meticulously captured by the majestic, multicolored tiki attached to the chain. Being exposed to other cultures has brought out in me an increased appreciation for the distinctive qualities contained in each and every …show more content…

Yet, it is almost as if I am peering through my keychain and witnessing the events of the battle unfold. The two men on the chain seem to fight each other for what they believe is right, but the trinket helps me see the war through another lens: it was not fought only over slavery, but rather over the moral standards set by the Constitution - The Battle of Opinions. And it is these types of issues and opinions that I seek to cultivate in order to challenge conventional beliefs. These keychains not only represent the breathtaking adventures I have had throughout my life, but also my lifelong lessons. Every time I go back to my wall of chains, I cannot help but relive the events imbedded into those keychains. I am thrilled for college and cannot wait to find the keychain that will be able to capture the experiences from my first day in college all the way to the last day of medical

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