
Personal Narrative: My Elective Of American Sign Language

Satisfactory Essays

As we glide through life we tend to gravitate toward those that are like us, often ignoring people and places that are different than we are. I don’t believe this is due to acceptance of others as much as it is about fear of the unknown. As a student of Eastern Washington University, I am a confident student of social work and the aspect of human development and engagement but when I walk into Clark College taking my elective of American sign language and the instructor only signs I am unsure of my skills and afraid that I will mess up. My insecurities of failing all come alive and then to be told that it is a signing class only I fear that I will miss pertinent information and that I will never know what is going on. Week one is scary, …show more content…

I wonder how can I do this? I know very little and what I do know will not sustain me in a normal conversation unless I want to tell someone “I like their blue shirt, and that I grew up hearing and speaking English”, I want to give up and throw in the towel. Although I know this is not an option for me as I need foreign language for my degree, I decide to stick it out and I begin to realize the more I do not speak the more I start to pay attention to others and the more I become part of the sign language culture of the classroom this is not to say I consider myself to be part of the ASL culture but part of the culture of the classroom. I begin to feel like part of the group and although I am rusty and I can decipher every other word, it is enough to follow along and forces me to be alert and participate. While researching the Gallaudet website for why no voice or interpreters are allowed in classrooms I can only assume that this is due to creating a culture and not just an atmosphere. American sign language is not just language but it is a lifestyle with acceptance of what the outside world refers to as a disability within the community it is just life. My thoughts are that when I go into your community it is a sign of disrespect to speak using sign language is the preferred language and the one most commonly used and this is where the concept of when in Rome do as the Romans

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