The much anticipated field trip day was finally here. Bright and early, we arrived at the Laser Tag center.
I was with my friends; Michael, Joseph and Dylan in the same team. Feeling hyped up, I was confident of winning the laser tag contest, even though I had never done it before.
My professional friends will provide some guidance.
With a streak of killing everything and dodging lasers, the game kicked off in a blast. Once hit, you are not allowed to shoot for 5 seconds.
My team split so that we could hit more targets at the same time. 10 targets were hit in no time before we got back together again. To win the game, we had to get to the opposite side without being hit and destroy the opponent’s diamond. We must also have a backup.
The long 172 days had finally passed, and the day I had been waiting for, for months, had finally come. We were in Chicago for my One Direction concert, the day couldn’t have come faster. The agonizingly slow hours that passed that day was too much to bear. Before arriving at Soldier Field, I was highly anticipating meeting one of my closest friends, Jessica, for the first time. It’s actually rather incredible to me, we first were introduced on social media, we didn’t know each other at all, all we knew was that we both loved the same band, and we were both going to the same concert. Prior to meeting for the first time, we were restricted to Skyping each other almost every other day and texting every day.
Kill Shot Bravo – Great shooter in which we turn into a warrior of extraordinary powers assignments and wreck the adversary camp. Here we fall is not a simple mission to demolish associations and terrorists, which thwart peace and human opportunity.
group of young athletes. I knew then, that gymnastics was the sport for me! I continued my gymnastics
It was my age group. I rode up on my horse and I watched how everyone else maneuvered around the barrels and which way they choose to go. I could hear the crowd cheer everyone on and I started to freak out. After I heard my name on the speakers “ Up next Lorrissa Albert on Sharon.” I put my helmet on. I choose to start with barrel one because that's one one almost everyone was going for. I went into the ring running I just kept trying to get Sharon to go faster. I turned the first barrel, then the second barrel, then the third barrel. After that Sharon went even faster and we almost didn't stop in time for the gate. Then I heard the speaker say “ First place Lorrissa Albert on
Me and my friends went to The Legion of Honor museum in San Francisco. We went on a Saturday and it wasn’t easy to get there, it was a hour drive and it was raining really hard. When we got there the first thing we saw was the golden gate bridge right next to the museum, and we also saw a water fountain outside the museum. At the entrance of the museum we saw The thinker which looked beautiful. When we went inside we were greeted politely but everyone had to take of their backpack because they didn’t want us to accidentally knock something off. The inside wasn’t that crowded there were only a few people there. The first exhibition we went to had a lot of paintings of flowers. There was this one painting of flowers which I personally liked it
Pendleton dance team were all sitting in a circle with big smiles on their faces like as they had already won. They were our biggest competition this competition because our scores were really close first round. When we performed second round most of my teammates were telling us how they messed up which I hated because it made me think
Everyone needs to make a big decision in college what they want to do with their life such as a doctor, nurse, welder, machinist, I decided to take a path down the welding program road. I knew how to weld outside of school, I welded with family members for a good portion of my life. According to the job market it was an excellent career to choose due to the high demand. As a result of my hard work and efforts I graduated from the program in May, 2015. I received a state certification for MIG ( metal inert gas) welding. While receiving this I raced to the job market and started filling out applications. As days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, nothing showed up! It was hard to believe, but I decided to come back to school for a new
We were all incredibly nervous but knew we had done everything possible to prepare for competition and that it was all in God’s hands from that moment on. We loaded up the bus at seven ready to go with ear buds in and our minds zoned out. No one was saying a word just “Get your minds set girls!”. As we walked into the park, the nerves started to really set in as we saw all the other teams getting ready to perform. One of Mickey’s little helpers escorted us to the back of the stage with my coaches alongside for us to practice as well. We prayed and practiced and prayed and practiced until it was go
In the veterans history project my initial thoughts about this project were very overwhelming because there was a lot to get done especially when turning in papers. When it came to getting started with the project and completing it, many emotional feeling came into play because one person could not do this project alone. Some of the feelings I experienced or felt was being worried about it, nervousness, and stressed about the whole thing in the beginning of the project.
I was born in February in Nineteen Ninety-Nine. As a little kid all I would do is whine. I played on a soccer team with my friends. We would always hang out on the weekends. I went to a small, private elementary school.
Before I joined National Honors Society, I was a shy, though dutiful student. I completed assignments, turned them in, and got a good grade. Nothing more, nothing less. Though my school career appeared successful, and I had minor volunteer commitments, it wasn’t until I joined our school’s chapter that I grew to feel confident enough to pursue excellence unabashedly.
I would like to go paintballing before i get old because, once i get old, I won’t be able to shoot a Paintball gun accurately or or hold it. also if I get hit by a paintball it's going to even hurt more than the kid's perspective. I want to do this because I want to feel how painful it's going to be getting hit by 1 and just for the fun of it. I would really like to go with my cousin and my friend because if I play with myself it would be no fun.We all need something to shoot at right? Heheh.
I knew exactly whom I was going to wrestle because I had wrestled him earlier in the season. We had a close match earlier in the year, and I knew it wouldn’t be any different this time. As I began to warm up all I could think of was the match I had against my opponent earlier in the year. I had to keep telling myself, “It is just another match” and “you won once, you can do it again”. As I was running around the mats for warm-up, I heard the sound of the announcer over my headphones, letting me know it was about time for my match.
This last Summer I was invited to play at the Pentagon in Sioux Falls for one of their summer AA basketball teams. Since the Pentagon is such a large program, I was completely on board, and excited for the season to commence. First, I had a unique way of joining the team, second, I had high expectations, and last, what actually happened varied in numerous ways.
In laser tag take cover from people and always look behind you at all times. I like to go up top and hind,because the most people are down thair.And it is easy to get more people