
Personal Narrative: Moving From My Life

Decent Essays

Moving From My Life
Imagine your best friend, the person you’ve grown up with. The person who knows everything about you, even some things you don’t know about yourself. The one person in the world you would trust your life with, knowing that they would protect it with theirs. Now, although it’s something no one wants to imagine, think about them suddenly being ripped from your life, right as you needed them. This happened to me in the summer of 2013.
It was opening night of my all ages community theatre show, “Cinderella”. A clear, blue, almost perfect August sky was above us as we walked into the show. I could practically smell that fresh scent, the one that everyone knows, when summer turns into autumn. Inside, the auditorium was packed, …show more content…

That’s when it hit me like a truck. My best friend, who I had known since I was born, who had gone with me to elementary school and middle school, who I had seen at church every week, who I had made plans for high school with, was going to disappear from my life in less than 12 hours. We both started crying, our eyes becoming waterfalls in a few short minutes. Chewy came up to me in the middle of our “cry-fest”, wanting to congratulate me on a show well done. When he saw us, he slowly backed away, confused at what happened to distress us so much. Even though I wished the moment would last forever so I would never have to let her go, it did …show more content…

I was fine with it throughout the summer, even if I was a little lonely some days. The real struggle was when school started again. It was our 8th grade year, and even though I had other good friends, I had never gotten as close to them as I had to Meredith. As the first week dragged on, I felt completely alone. I felt like the Israelites in the wilderness, when they felt God had deserted them. I felt like my stomach was about to burst with sadness, as well as my eyes with tears. Though the year was hard, I gained many new friends I wouldn’t even have known, just because I felt I was forced to make new friends to compensate for

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