
Personal Narrative: Looking Back To The Wods

Satisfactory Essays

Looking back to the WODs something that I would like to change would be be doing them correctly, as during most of the WODs I was not able to do them correctly. In the future I would like to complete all my exercises correctly with our any mistake, as during WOD#2 I did not complete the rest for 60 seconds, as I was not that tired. For the mile I walked for 17 minutes as it was really hot, and i did not want to get tired easily, so I decided to walk. However in the future, I would like to run for 1 round, jog for another, and sprint for the last. So if i do the math I would be able to run one round for a 1 minute, jog for 1:30, so if we did 8 rounds it would take me around 9 minutes to complete the mile, which is really good for me, as my

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