
Personal Narrative: Life After High School

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\Mostly, the world went by so, so slowly. It took everyone ages to get even a simple sentence out. They all walked like they had nowhere they could need to be, and every time they ate it was a whole big production. Then they all conked out for eight hours a night-- just had to check out and bid the world a fond farewell. Peter found it much more efficient to take quick naps throughout the day, mostly between people saying "um" and the eternity until the next word. This left him free for a bit of late night sight-seeing. Something about the dark made people believe no one else could possibly be watching. This was truer at Xavier's house than anywhere else Peter had been before. Take the Professor. During the day, he liked to roll around, smile …show more content…

But he was also of the opinion that the schooling portion was not what's really important here, so that was probably okay for now.) At night, the Professor rolled into his room, closed the door, and pulled out a bottle of scotch and chess board. Which was totally boring, because it was the 70's and there were way better games to play than chess-- until Magneto showed up. Now that, that was interesting. Magneto, the terrorist. The most terroristy of all terrorists. The man Peter was kind of proud to have broken out of the Pentagon-- because, come on, how bad ass was that? Not to mention it was a nice thing to have in the back pocket, because he was definitely the kind of dude you wanted owing you a favor, and not the other way around. Anybody willing to drop a football stadium around the White House was not someone to be taken …show more content…

It totally cramped his style-- such a hassle to get under the covers, and pretend he wasn't practically vibrating with curiosity. He was really good at collecting secrets. He loved them, having things to hold over people, getting to see all the little ways people ticked. So having a secret that he didn't get-- like, was Magneto really getting his jollies creeping on Peter at night? The Professor didn't seem like the kind of guy who'd be into that, but maybe he really didn't know what Magneto was

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