
Personal Narrative: Karrie

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I chose this picture of my sisters because it is my favorite one. I am on the far left, my little sister, Karrie, is in the middle, and my older sister, Kassie, is on the far right. This picture just seems like another picture of sisters but we are so much more, we are best friends. We are all so different but all so alike. We all go by shortened names, Kassie is Kasandra, Katie is short for Katelyn, and Karrie is short for Karrington. We have age gaps of six years in between Kassie and I, and four years in between Karrie and I. Not to mention how different we all look. I got the naturally curly hair from my dad, Karrie has the dark brown hair from my mom, and Kassie got the blond hair from her dad. Yes, Kassie has a different dad but we have never made a big deal about it …show more content…

Karrie also plays basketball but is the upcoming tennis star. And I am completely different from those two, I attempted sports and failed. So I went into competitions with horses and joined a local 4-H group. While Kassie and Karrie are more alike, we have always been supportive of each other. I can’t count the number of basketball games or tennis matches I have been to! And they have come to every one of my shows, even though they are not fans of horses, and last year, my Scioto County Fair show was the day before Kassie’s wedding. It doesn’t matter if we don’t live together anymore, we make sure we talk at least once a day. We may not be the regular set of sisters, but I wouldn’t change anything. Our time apart just makes the time together more precious now. This picture was taken by Kassie’s husband, Nick, when we went to our first country concert together. We got the tickets for Christmas and saw Dustin Lynch, Little Big Town, and Luke Bryan. It is just another example of how close we are because Karrie and I drove home at three in the morning, but Kassie was on the phone with us the entire

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