
Personal Narrative: Is It Worth The Pain?

Decent Essays

As soon as I landed, I knew something was wrong. I hit the ground with an audible “Pop.” And the pain. Oh, the pain. It didn't hit right away, but nevertheless, when the adrenaline died down, it shot from my leg through the rest of my body. Certainly ankles aren’t supposed to twist that way, and the trip to the Orthopedist confirmed what I already knew. I fractured my fibula in quite possibly the dumbest way: jumping on a trampoline. Perhaps the worst side-effect of this whole ordeal was how grueling very day tasks had become. Getting out of cars now took minutes instead of seconds. My daily routine had changed from “Wake up, shower, get dressed, go to school.” to “Wake up, put plastic bag over cast, hop to shower, take shower on one

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